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findutils-4.5.5 is released

From: James Youngman
Subject: findutils-4.5.5 is released
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 23:43:27 +0100

I am pleased to announce the release of version 4.5.5 of GNU

GNU findutils is a set of software tools for finding files that match
certain criteria and for performing various operations on them.
Findutils includes the programs "find", "xargs" and "locate".  More
information about findutils is available at

This is a "development" release of findutils.  It can be downloaded from
ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/findutils.  The 4.5.x release series is
intended to allow people to try out, comment on or contribute to new
features of findutils.  During the 4.5.x release series some features
may be introduced and then changed or removed as a result of feedback
or experience.  In short, please don't rely on backward compatibility
later in the release series.

While this is a development release, it is tested before being
released, principally with the regression test suite (run "make check"
to use it).  The Savannah website
(http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=findutils) contains a current
list of known bugs in findutils (for both the stable and development

Bugs in GNU findutils should be reported to the findutils bug tracker
at http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=findutils.  Reporting bugs via
the web interface will ensure that you are automatically informed when
the bug has been fixed.  General discussion of findutils takes place
on the bug-findutils mailing list.  To join the 'bug-findutils'
mailing list, send email to <address@hidden>.

To verify the GPG signature of the release, you will need the public
key of the findutils maintainer, James Youngman.  You can download
this from http://savannah.gnu.org/users/jay.  Please note that the key
being used is not the same as the key that was used to sign previous

* Major changes in release 4.5.5, 2009-07-06

xargs now handles the case where the system's actual exec limits are
smaller than the value of ARG_MAX at compile time.  Very few platforms
normally have this property, but it is possible to configure some Unix
systems this way.

** Bug Fixes

#26587: Fix a typo in -execdir documentation (it says -exec by mistake
in the text).

#26537: find -prune now makes sure it has valid stat() information.

#22708: Exit status 126 and 127 from the utility invoked from xargs
now makes xargs return 123, meaning that exit status values 126 and
127 now unambigously mean that the utility could not be run or could
not be found, respectively.

James Youngman <address@hidden>
GNU findutils maintainer

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