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Re: Find command explanation

From: James Youngman
Subject: Re: Find command explanation
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 14:47:08 +0100

On 7/2/06, AOB Technologies Ltd. <address@hidden> wrote:
When I type "find --help" at my RedHat Linux (model 2001 or so) I get all the 
syntax of the command with so many parameters.
Nevertheless, it is very hard to understand the proper use for a desired kind 
of result and some examples or further break-down explanation about the 
parameters would help a lot.

Examples and more detailed explanations are int he documentation.
This is available as ful Info documentation ("info find") or in a
briefer form more suitable for quick reference as a manual page ("man
find").   Both types of documentation include examples.

For example, the option -mount or -mmin are not explained and thus I don't know 
what would be their result.

In particular, I'm looking for files containing certain text string (probably 
DOC files). Is there any specific format for this command to meet this 

No, that's not really the UNIX way of doing things.  The UNIX paradigm
is to have a set of tools that interoperate effectively.  Each tool
should do a small number of things, but do them well.  The tools
should be easy to combine to solve the overall problem.  You might
find it helpful to read a book on Unix, for example "Unix in a
Nutshell" or an introduction to Linux.

The tool designed for searching for strings in text files is called
"grep".   You might salso find "man intro" helpful.


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