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Re: find "Value too large for defined data type"

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: find "Value too large for defined data type"
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 09:25:17 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

Werner Brennecke - rockenstein AG wrote:
> das Kommando find hat scheinbar ein Problem mit gemounteten NFS-Shares.
> Hier erscheint immer find "Value too large for defined data type"

The 'find' command that you are using appears to be compiled without
large file support.  "large file support" means files larger than 2GB
in size.  When 'find' calls the stat(2) kernel system call on the file
the size is larger than the datastructure can return and produces the
error you show.  I am guessing that the directory you are searching
has at least one file that is larger than 2GB in size.

The GNU 'find' command does support large files.  This capability
should be automatically detected when the source code is configured
and subsequently compiled.

You did not say what version of GNU find you were using nor what
operating system you were using so I can't guess if this was a
precompiled version of 'find' or if this was a version you compiled
yourself.  If you are using a precompiled version of 'find' from
somewhere it should already have this capability.  If not please file
a report with them asking them to provide it.

If you are compiling this yourself you should verify your compile
environment.  Some environments need configure time hints to create a
fully functional program with large file support.

It is likely that if you compile a new version from source code
yourself that large file support will be automatically detected.  The
latest released version of GNU findutils is available here:



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