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mv: skipping file...it was replaced

From: Larry Reznick
Subject: mv: skipping file...it was replaced
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 13:00:57 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020607

We have Mosix version 1.9.0 running on Red Hat 8.0 with the Linux 2.4.20 kernel. We now get an error from cp or mv complaining with the error message, "skipping file `[mfs-pathname]', as it was replaced while being copied". I've found and fixed the problem with a work-around, but there's a Mosix question you may want to look at.

The problem happens in fileutils-4.1.9-11, the current version. In sys2.h is a SAME_INODE() macro defined to compare both the st_ino and st_dev. If two statbufs passed to the macro compare the same for both components, the macro returns a TRUE. While that logic makes sense to me for comparing a source file with a destination file for cp or mv, there is one place in copy.c in the beginning of the function copy_reg() where the source file is compared with itself to see if a change has happened since the operation began. In copy_internal(), either stat() or lstat() is called on the source file to give the 1st statbuf. Later, copy_internal() calls copy_reg(), which immediately opens the source file then calls fstat() to give the 2nd statbuf.

Unfortunately, Mosix changes the st_dev when a file is opened on the /mfs filesystem. Therefore, what stat() & lstat() report is different from what fstat() reports, so cp & mv both think the source file has changed and abort the operation. I was able to correct the problem by using a different version of SAME_INODE() that compares only the st_ino at that stage, not st_dev. I can't think of any reason why a single file would change its device without changing its inode, so I think SAME_INODE() has been logically overused in copy.c.

I've added the following macro in sys2.h:

> #define SAME_INODE_ONLY(Stat_buf_1, Stat_buf_2) \
>   ((Stat_buf_1).st_ino == (Stat_buf_2).st_ino)

Then, in copy.c, in the function copy_reg(), I've changed the first reference to SAME_INODE into SAME_INODE_ONLY:

<   if (! SAME_INODE (*src_sb, src_open_sb))
>   if (! SAME_INODE_ONLY (*src_sb, src_open_sb))

With these in place, cp & mv work correctly on the Mosix /mfs filesystem. I have also reported this to the Mosix and openMosix teams, suggesting that they may not want to change the st_dev that fstat() reports from what stat() and lstat() reports.


Larry Reznick                    Sr Software Developer
Interact Devices, Inc                916-673-1860 x225
160 Blue Ravine Rd Suite B            Fax 916-669-0035
Folsom, CA 95630-4718                      idicorp.net

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