If you buy or sell on ebay, please read this email!
If you buy or sell on ebay, please read this email!
Sun, 19 Dec 2004 16:28:26 -0800
If you buy or sell on ebay, please read this email and check out our site link below,
If you are a seller on ebay, you know the fees are outrageous. If your item sells you stand to make a profit, unless you have too many items that do not sell. Then you are spending all your profits for listing fees of items that did not sell. About 5% of sellers on ebay make really good money, while the rest are paying more fees to ebay than they are actually makeing in profit. Leaving them with marginal profit (if any), while ebay is rakeing in the money.
Our company has been a supplier/wholesaler to many online sellers for many years. We have heard many, many stories of grief regarding profit margins when selling in online auctions. We have lost many customers/resellers because they were actually loosing money after paying all their fees to ebay and paypal. After years of seeing dreams washed down the drain, we decided to build an alternative website where basic listing is free and the final value fees are affordable. So if a users item does not sell, they pay no fees.
Alot of sellers have tried selling on other auction websites, but have found that their is not enough traffic and their items are not selling. This is mainly because these sites are trying to recruit sellers to their site, but are not persuing buyers. Without both buyers and sellers, an online auction site will fail, as many have done. We have a very strong marketing campaign to draw buyers and sellers alike. We are not promising that our site will retain as much traffic as ebay, but we do guarantee that traffic from buyers and sellers will increase expodentially over the coming weeks and months.
Many sellers want the ease of transactions, such as ebay provides. We have been working on this site for months to get it where it is today, and will continue working on the site to bring this to pass. We have many projects in the works right now, and many more projects in line. Some of the projects include: Automated Listing software, enhanced stores, referral program and many small tweeks to make transactions flow with ease. We are always looking for feedback from our members on ways to make the site better and easier to use. We have programmers working every day on these projects and future projects, so you can look forward continual enhancements to cater to your buying and selling needs.
Finally, our "Earn $5000.00 for listing" promotion. This is one of our marketing campaigns to bring sellers to our site. The details of this promotion are as follows: All members who list items for sale will receive a $1.00 credit for each item they have posted for sale, with a total credit of $5000.00 available per member. Calculations for this credit will be figured by the number of open auctions at midnight on January 31st, 2005 times $1.00. Auctions ending before this time will not be calculated for this credit. The most efficient way to list items for this campaign would be to list items for longer durations (i.e. 30, 60, 90, or 120 days), with "buy it now" enabled. This would be the same as listing "Fixed Price" format on ebay.
Sellers cannot list more than 10 auctions of the same item. If a particular item is listed more than 10 times, those items will not be counted. If a seller has multiple items that exceed the 10 auctions per item limit, Webidz.com reserves the right to exclude that member from this campaign and all payouts to that member to be null and void. These credits will be valid for any fees incured on our site only. i.e., listing or final value fees. They cannot be used to purchase merchandise from other members. All credit amounts will be credited to the sellers account by feb 05.
If you are interested, please click the link below to be take to our site. You have nothing to lose, and alot to gain. The choice is yours.
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