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Do-It-Yourself Wedding Photography
This $19.95 guide can potentially save you thousands of dollars on wedding photography.
Just because a couple doesn't have a lot of money doesn't mean they don't deserve quality, professional-looking wedding photos. Author James Booth says, "I was taught a long time ago that anything worth doing is worth doing well."
This was never truer than wedding photography, because the events in a wedding only happen once. If you're willing to take on the responsibility of shooting a wedding, then you have an obligation to do the best job possible.
Great tips also apply to Bar
Mitzvah, graduation...and more...
Virtually everyone knows somebody that has a camera and these people are often called upon to fill the role of the wedding photographer when the budget is tight. In all likelihood, these friends or family members really have no idea how to go about shooting a wedding.
Does this mean the couple should have to settle for amateur photographs of the beginning of their life together? No, it doesn't.
Shooting a wedding isn't that
Shooting a wedding isn't that difficult. It's basically just a series of staged shots that anyone can do with a bit of guidance. ItÂ’s the seriousness of the occasion that is the most intimidating factor.
In the ZATZ Solutions Guide Do-It-Yourself Wedding Photography, James Booth takes you through all the steps of photographing a wedding, from the prep-work, through pre-ceremony photography, the ceremony itself, the reception, and even how to prepare photos for the couple after the wedding.
You'll learn everything you
need to take exceptional wedding photos on a budget.
This Solutions Guide presents 32 pages, 29 photographs, and 9 chapters. It is provided to you electronically in Adobe Acrobat format and, of course, this Solutions Guide is completely free of advertisements.
Here's some of what you'll learn in Do-It-Yourself Wedding Photography:
Chapter 1: Preparing your equipment
- You can take very nice wedding photos, even if you're not a pro
- How much film or digital media you'll need
- Battery planning
- How to check over your equipment
- What accessories to pack
- Flash strategies
- And more...
Chapter 2: Scouting the location
- Standard shots and creative opportunities
- Where to keep your equipment
- What to do if you're lucky enough to have an assistant
- And more...
Chapter 3: Developing your before-the-ceremony battle plan
- The one simple tip that'll make your task so much easier
- The logic of before-the-ceremony photos
- How to "manage" the couple to get the best wedding pictures
- How to plan out your shots ahead of time
- Some "old standard" tricks of the pros
- Some great ideas for getting creative
- And more...
Chapter 4: The getting ready pictures
- Photography the bride and her party getting ready
- The classic shots your couple will always expect
- How to prioritize your shooting (hint: the bride comes first)
- Some fun ideas for shooting the men
- Tips for spontaneous shots that'll be remembered forever
- And more...
Chapter 5: Group shots
- How to shoot all the classic shots
- Best men, groomsen, parents, grandparents, and siblings, oh my!
- Let your imagination flow
- How to get gorgeous shots of the bride and bridesmaids
- Example pictures to help you position your subjects
- Other special shots that'll bring memories alive
- And more...
Chapter 6: Tender (or funny) moments
- Photographing pre-wedding jitters
- Keeping an eye out for those special, tender moments
- And more...
Chapter 7: Photographing the ceremony
- Rearranging your gear to be ready for the big event
- How you can turn the ceremony shots into the easiest you'll ever do
- Where to stand to catch the best shots
- Key shots you don't want to forget
- What to do if you're not allowed to use a flash
- How to catch faces and expressions during the ceremony
- Key tips for finishing up formal shots
- An important survival tip most photographers forget
- And more...
Chapter 8: The reception
- Catching the silliness on film or bits
- Some quick photos you should catch before it all degenerates
- Classic reception photos your couple will love forever
- Where to look for the goofy pictures they'll love to laugh at
- Photographing the dancing (and pictures Mom will want)
- How to safely stow your equipment so you can enjoy the fun
- And more...
Chapter 9: After the wedding
- Getting pictures to the bride and groom
- How to manage the post-wedding pictures
- Tips for prints, portfolios, and albums
- Some great tips if you think this is a new career path
- And more...
Each ZATZ Solutions Guide is subject to the same high editorial standards and impartial perspective we bring to all our publications. By combining a series of articles and tips into one comprehensive, handy, and incredibly useful Solutions Guide, you'll learn everything you need to take exceptional wedding photos on a budget.
Feel free to contact us at address@hidden or call
732-422-6990 if you have any questions.
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call 732-422-6990 if you have any questions.
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