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[Bug-ddrescue] Need help about multiple recovery attempts

From: Poorang Shadpour
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] Need help about multiple recovery attempts
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 01:43:32 -0700 (PDT)

It's about a 1TB Green Caviar WD disk which got damaged:
1st partition: Video, 700GB
2st partition: Music, 300GB
I tried the ddrescue manual but I could just make backup of the first partions which took 2 days.
The main problem is with second partition (full of mp3) and serious damage, also I can't leave my PC on for long hours so I'm gonna make image by multiple recovery attempts but unfortunaltely I'm not familiar with Linux and ddrescue syntax. I was wondering if you could help me with the exact syntax I should use for multiple recovery attempts (due to the time it takes to make backup: let's say 5GB per each attempt) and with no try on damged file because I just want to recover the healthy files.

Thank you

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