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[Bug-ddrescue] Recover a single NTFS partition off a damaged disk using

From: Sanjay Rana
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] Recover a single NTFS partition off a damaged disk using ddrescue
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 01:06:29 +0100


Is it possible to recover a single NTFS partition as a disk image onto a different hard disk using ddrescue? If so then what arguments will have to be used to do that and will it be possible to retrieve the data from the disk image?

My hard disk has lots of bad sectors in other partitions and I am unable to overwrite the partition table. Mirroring the entire disk is also taking a lot longer as well.

I know the start and end of the partition in terms of the cylinders,head,sector as reported by testdisk. Can this information be useful?

Thanks a lot in advance,

  Sanjay Rana | UCL

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