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Re: Unexpected directory-entry in CVS/Entries

From: gnu-cvs
Subject: Re: Unexpected directory-entry in CVS/Entries
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 17:11:10 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6+ (Windows/20050127)

Hi Larry,

Thanks for the response.

No mystery, just a bit of overloading.  In addition to the list of
CVS-controlled files, the Entries file also contains a list of the known
subdirectories of the current directory (to avoid having to scan the
entire directory for subdirectories every time).
But in this particular described usecase it is not appropriate, because 
the subdirectory (here sub2) does not contain to the cvs project of sub1.
Could you be a bit more specific about how it fails?
Local working copy structure:

+ sub2/

Situation a)
You have checked out sub1 and sub2 from the same repository (but different locations in it). Invoking 'cvs update' in sub1 dives into sub2. Invoking 'cvs update sub2/file2.txt' fetches the file.
Situation b)
You have checked out sub1 and sub2 from two different repositories (e.g. one pserver and another ext). Invoking 'cvs update' in sub1 only processes the sub1 directory. Invoking 'cvs update sub2/file2.txt" produces an error message.
Not very consistent. I would expect following:

1. Checking out sub2 does NOT create an sub2-entry in CVS/Entries, because it does not belong to the parent CVS file structure. 2. Invoking 'cvs update' in sub1 does not dive into sub2 for both described situations. 3) Invoking 'cvs update sub2/file2.txt' does not work for both situations. When I need to update file2.txt, I first need to switch to this directory.
Best regards
Thomas Singer

Larry Jones wrote:
gnu-cvs@regnis.de writes:

As you can see, for some mysterious reason, CVS 1.12.11 creates an entry for sub2 in the parent's CVS/Entries(.Log).

No mystery, just a bit of overloading.  In addition to the list of
CVS-controlled files, the Entries file also contains a list of the known
subdirectories of the current directory (to avoid having to scan the
entire directory for subdirectories every time).

When both checkouts come from the same repository, a "cvs update sub2/test2.txt" works, but it fails when both come from a different repository.

Could you be a bit more specific about how it fails?

-Larry Jones

In a minute, you and I are going to settle this out of doors. -- Calvin

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