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cvs checkout -d <dir>

From: John Daniel Doucette
Subject: cvs checkout -d <dir>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 16:04:16 -0300


I recently was made aware that using the command

cvs -d <pserver repository> checkout -d ../../../path <module1/submodule1>

does not work due to the CVS client not correctly passing Max-dotdot to the server. I was going to get around this by creating the destination directory, then cd'ing to it, then checking out the module with a -d dot. However, I am unable to even use:
cvs -d <pserver repository> checkout -d . -r <tag> <module1/submodule1>

which generates the error:

cvs server: existing repository /home/repository does not match /home/repository/module1/submodule1
cvs server: ignoring module module1/submodule1

Also, if I try to get around the Max-dotdot problem by cd'ing up a a few levels then trying:
cd ../../..
cvs -d <pserver repository> checkout -d work1/work2/work3 -r <tag> <module1/submodule1>
I get the message:

cvs server: cannot chdir to work1: No such file or directory
cvs server: ignoring module module1/submodule1

However, if in the above example the destination directory is only one level deep, it works. Ie. this works.
cd ../../..
cvs -d <pserver repository> checkout -d work1 -r <tag> <module1/submodule1>

U work1/file1

Also the standard checkout with no -d works as well. I guess to work around I will have to create my destination path minus the lowest level, cd to the directory, and then checkout with the -d option set to create just the last level. I.E.
mkdir -p ../../work1/work2
cd ../../work1/work2
cvs -d <pserver repository> checkout -d work3 -r <tag> <module1/submodule1>

U work3/file1

to get the module in the directory ../../work1/work2/work3. Is this behaviour expected? My server is RedHat Linux 7.x running Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.1p1 (client/server), while the client is Win Xp running Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) (Build 72) (client/server).
John Daniel Doucette, Sr. Software Designer

J. J. MacKay Canada Limited
Halifax R & D Office
1046 Barrington Street, 1st Floor
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 2R1

Voice: 902.423.7727  x222
Fax:     902.422.8108
Web:    www . jjmackay . com
Email:  john . doucette @ jjmackay . com

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