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Re: Urgent help needed - CVS import improper ...

From: Ingolf Steinbach
Subject: Re: Urgent help needed - CVS import improper ...
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 09:07:00 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.25i

* Larry Jones <larry.jones@sdrc.com> [2002-01-23 17:53]:
> Seema Agarwal writes:
> > Another thing is that CVS inherently ignores empty directories when
> > importing. Is there any way to forcefully create them ? I need these
> > empty directories as they would be used at build time in a checked
> > out area.
> No; CVS manages files, not directories.  You should have your build
> process create them as needed.

If you don't care about the additional files, you could
put an empty file (named for instance ".keep_me" or something
like that) into the directory.


Ingolf Steinbach                       Jena-Optronik GmbH
Ingolf.Steinbach@jena-optronik.de       ++49 3641 200-147
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