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problem with psever (linux)

From: Sylvain . Laisne
Subject: problem with psever (linux)
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:47:40 +0100


I'm trying to set up a cvs server in a linux mandrake environnement, the client stations are using the wincvs version ( windows NT).
I don't manage to start the cvs pserver service on the linux server, though i think the files /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services are well configurate  (whith cvspserver on port 2401). I've buid a repository in a /usr/local/cvsroot directory.
When i try to start the pserver manually (in /usr/sbin) i get the message "cvs [pserver aborting] bad port auth start:"
And when i try to acces via a client station the server reset the connection
Could someone help me ? (I'm a novice in linux as well as cvs)

Sylvain Laisné
e-business Development
Intentia Consulting - South Europe
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 34 20 81 88


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