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verifymsg doesn't work for directories - bug?

From: Mehrdad Torky
Subject: verifymsg doesn't work for directories - bug?
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 17:30:47 -0600


I have been using cvs for several years. I have noticed a bug in the program and I cant get around it. If you have a solution to this problem, please let me know.

When you commit a FILE, cvs goes thru commitinfo and verifymsg, but if you run commit on a DIRECTORY (cvs commit my-dir) and want to checkin the contents of that directory, cvs will go thru commitinfo, but it will completely ignore verifymsg. So people in our department found out about this and they are committing files left and right without associating the check-in with a defect ID.

Do you guys have any recommendation how to resolve this issue?

Your help is appreciated.





Mehrdad Torky

2200 E. President Bush Turnpike, RCDN-5

Richardson, Tx 75082

Phone:  469-255-0611


  C i s c o  S y s t e m s


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