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bug#70558: ln -sfr stats the wrong file

From: David Leonard
Subject: bug#70558: ln -sfr stats the wrong file
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 03:20:27 +1000 (AEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.26 (DEB 649 2022-06-02)

When analyzing file accesses with strace, I noticed that ln stats an
unrelated file. This only happens with the opions -sfr and when the dest
symlink already exists.

Here's a reproduction script:

    # setup
    mkdir -p a b
    > b/x
    ln -fs anything a/x

    # ln -sfr b/x a/x
    strace -o trace.out --decode-fds=path -e %file \
        src/ln -sfr b/x a/x

    test $(readlink a/x) = ../b/x
    grep stat trace.out

The invalid stat that happens is:

    newfstatat(AT_FDCWD</tmp/lnbug>, "../b/x", 0x7ffdb94a0270, 0) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)

The cause seems to be in src/ln.c's do_link() where the `source` "b/x" is
converted to "../b/x" by

        if (relative)
              source = rel_source = convert_abs_rel (source, dest);

and then the test to see if deleting the destination file would delete
the source works by checking hard links on the source.

        if (source_status != 0)
            source_status = stat (source, &source_stats);

Except that -r made source relative to the dest directory.

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