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equalize permissions with chmod?

From: Martin Bernreuther
Subject: equalize permissions with chmod?
Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 00:22:59 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9


is there an easy way (without writing a bash script) to copy
e.g. the group permissions of a file (or directory) to the other permissions
(maybe even recursively for a whole directory) with chmod?
E.g. a file with -rwxr-x--- should be changed to -rwxr-xr-x
and ----r----- should be changed to ----r--r--
The same should be possible for other combinations like granting
the group the same permissions like the owner etc.

I didn't find anything in the chmod man pages:
This is not like + - or =, which set directly a mask and also
not --reference, since this will refer to the same permissions
of another file.

A (not very elegant try for a) solution for a single file 
"pathtotestfile/testfile" permission change:
find pathtotestfile -maxdepth 1 -name "testfile" -perm -g+r '!' -perm -o+r 
-exec chmod o+r '{}' ';'
find pathtotestfile -maxdepth 1 -name "testfile" -perm -o+r '!' -perm -g+r 
-exec chmod o-r '{}' ';'
find pathtotestfile -maxdepth 1 -name "testfile" -perm -g+w '!' -perm -o+w 
-exec chmod o+r '{}' ';'
find pathtotestfile -maxdepth 1 -name "testfile" -perm -o+w !' -perm -g+w -exec 
chmod o-r '{}' ';'
find pathtotestfile -maxdepth 1 -name "testfile" -perm -g+x '!' -perm -o+x 
-exec chmod o+r '{}' ';'
find pathtotestfile -maxdepth 1 -name "testfile" -perm -o+x '!' -perm -g+x 
-exec chmod o-r '{}' ';'
Check if a permission is set (or not set) for the group and missing (existant) 
for the others
and correct that (only if necessary and try to avoid unnecessary searches)


BTW, Is "find" the only tool to directly determine, if permissions are set?
 "test" seems not to offer much here.
Martin Bernreuther      address@hidden

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