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cut (coreutils) 4.5.8 / missing feature

From: Tjabo Kloppenburg
Subject: cut (coreutils) 4.5.8 / missing feature
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 10:47:50 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.3


I am using different linux and unix systems with GNU.

Sometimes I want to pipe something into "cut" and get everything except
the last character. Or the last 2 characters.
I could use perl for that, but cut is smaller and should do the job, too.

In languages like php, perl, python it is possible to have nagative indexes,

pwd | cut -c 0..-1 

this could cut the last character off (Newline). Counted from zero.

cut -c 1..
Could give everything after the first character (Counted from zero).

I think this would be a nice addon feature in "cut".
Count from 1 if you like that more :-).


Tjabo Kloppenburg - billiton internet services GmbH
Entwicklung + Technik

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