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Re: stealth=on does not work in copy

From: Mark . Burgess
Subject: Re: stealth=on does not work in copy
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:30:41 +0200 (MET DST)

On 11 Oct, Elmar Kurgpold wrote:
> The documentation states regarding the stealth option, "If set to `on'
> causes cfengine to preserve atime and mtime on source files during local
> file copies."  Using the following script:
>     control:
>       actionsequence = ( copy )
>     copy:
>       any:: /var/tmp/sourcefile
>           dest=/var/tmp/destfile
>           stealth=on
>           type=checksum
> cfengine does not preserve atime or mtime.  I've tried this with 1.5.4 as
> well as 1.6.0.a11.
> While I'm bringing it up, the reference guide says that "file times cannot
> be preserved on remote copies."  I never understood why this is stated,
> since it seems trivial to have cfd pass the mtime and atime of a file.  I
> always figured that it was some combination of a long todo list,
> portability issues, and some inherent drawbacks in the cfengine network
> protocol. I just noticed that stealth is also mentioned in the ChangeLog
> file for 1.4.15: "stealth on remote copies was broken."  I wasn't around
> for that version, so was it something that worked and then went away, like
> the stealth option for local files? :-)
>       ++Elmar
> |  Elmar Kurgpold
> |  Email: address@hidden

I think you misunderstand. Stealth refers to the times of the source
files, not the destination files.


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