# To demonstrate the Bison bug, run make on this file and observe that, # unmodified, compilation succedd - but relies on YY_DECL being defined. # # To observe the breakage, simply comment out the CFLAGS line. CFLAGS=-DYY_DECL="int yylex (YYSTYPE * yylval_param , yyscan_t yyscanner, char *cvs)" default: gram.o lex.o gram.o lex.o: yyscan.h Makefile gram.h gram.c: gram.y bison --defines=gram.h --output-file=gram.c -d $< lex.h lex.c: lex.l flex --header-file=lex.h --outfile=lex.c $< gram.o: gram.c lex.h gram.h import.o: import.c lex.h gram.h lex.o: lex.c gram.h clean: rm -f *.o lex.[ch] gram.[ch]