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Re: parser stack overflow, bug in glr??

From: Roger Casaponsa
Subject: Re: parser stack overflow, bug in glr??
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 05:15:39 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050419)

>>In some inputs, not that big, I've got a parser stack overflow error.
>Alas, there's not a lot we can do to fix this problem without the
>example (grammar + input) that caused the problem.  
Here is a "reduced" grammar, it is like a c++ declarations. In this
"reduced" grammar it's possible to declare functions and variables like

a a::b(){}
a c;

and only this. This is the input for the test.

looking at stderr output from bison (attached file stderr)

befor there are only stack 0 and stack 1

in line 325 :
    Stack 0 Entering state 3
    Reduced stack 0 by rule #9; action deferred. Now in state 2.
    Stack 0 Entering state 2
    Reading a token: Next token is token IDENTIFIER ()
    Splitting off stack 2 from 0.

then splits more stacks from stack 0 and stack 2 and shift the token
IDENTIFIER in this stacks
after that in line 348
    Stack 1 Entering state 40
    Reduced stack 1 by rule #24; action deferred. Now in state 8.
    Stack 1 Entering state 8
    Reduced stack 1 by rule #12; action deferred. Now in state 3.
    Stack 1 Entering state 3
    Reduced stack 1 by rule #9; action deferred. Now in state 2.
    Merging stack 1 into stack 0.
    Removing dead stacks.

here merges stack 1 into 0 in state 2, before splitting it (stack 0).

I don't know what files you need. I attach all the files, sorry if it's
too much.

>>-Doesn't Bison really empty the stacks until it comes back to
>> operation while working with glr?
>If you are asking whether it essentially releases stack space when it
>returns to deterministic operation, then yes, you understand
>P. Hilfinger
Thanks for all.

CFLAGS= -I. -Wall -g -O0
BFLAGS= --verbose --yacc --defines --debug --report=all

#CFILES= y.tab.c ast.c mcc.c support/hash.c ast_utils.c symtab.c 
support/ast_iterator.c support/iterator.c support/list.c 
support/list_iterator.c support/ast_preorder_iterator.c tpl.c 
support/hash_iterator.c support/file.c
CFILES= y.tab.c ast.c ast_utils.c #c++98.c


all: c98 

        gcc -g $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<

c98: $(OFILES)
        gcc -g -g3 -o c++98 $(OFILES)

lex.yy.c: c++98.l
        flex $(FFLAGS) c++98.l

y.tab.c: lex.yy.c c++98.y 
        bison $(BFLAGS) c++98.y

        rm -f $(OFILES)
        rm -f y.tab.h y.tab.c y.output
        rm -f lex.yy.c
        rm -f *~
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "ast.h"

typedef struct {
        char *name;
} ast_table_t;

ast_table_t ast_table[] = {
/* cpp */
        /* Lexical Conventions A.4 */
        /* Expressions A.4 */
        /* Declarations A.6 */
        /* Declarators A.7 */
        /* Classes A.8 */
        /* others */



AST ASTMake(node_t type, AST son0, AST son1, AST son2, AST son3, int line, char 
* text)
  AST s = (AST) malloc(sizeof(*s));
  bzero (s, sizeof (*s));
  s->type = type;
  s->line = line;
  s->text = text;
  s->no_nodes = 0;
  s->id = identificador_node_ast;
  if ( son0 ) {
         ASTSon0 (s) = son0;
         ASTParent (son0) = s;
  if ( son1 ) {
         ASTSon1 (s) = son1;
         ASTParent (son1) = s;
  if ( son2 ) {
         ASTSon2 (s) = son2;
         ASTParent (son2) = s;
  if ( son3 ) {
         ASTSon3 (s) = son3;
         ASTParent (son3) = s;

char *type2string (node_t type)
  return (ast_table[type].name);

void tab(FILE *f,int level)
        int i;
        for ( i = 0; i < level; i++ ) 
                if (i%3 !=0) fprintf(f," ");
                else fprintf(f,"|");

void ast_dump_rec (FILE *f,AST ast, int level , int node_num)
        if (!ast) return;
        //fprintf(f,"type:%s(%d) line:%d text:%s nodes:%d node: %p parent: %p 
                        //ast->line,ast->text ? ast->text : 
"NULL",ast->no_nodes, ast, ast->parent);
        fprintf(f,"type:%s(%d) node:%d line:%d text:%s nodes:%d    
                        ast->line,ast->text ? ast->text : "NULL", 
        if ( ASTSon0 (ast) ) ast_dump_rec(f,ASTSon0 (ast),level,0);
        if ( ASTSon1 (ast) ) ast_dump_rec(f,ASTSon1 (ast),level,1);
        if ( ASTSon2 (ast) ) ast_dump_rec(f,ASTSon2 (ast),level,2);
        if ( ASTSon3 (ast) ) ast_dump_rec(f,ASTSon3 (ast),level,3);

void ast_dump ( FILE *f, AST ast )

void ast2graphviz(AST ast)
        int node_id;
        int parent;
        printf("\ndigraph sortida{\n");
        if (ast != NULL){
                node_id = 2;
                parent = 1;

int ast2graphviz_rec(AST ast, int parent, int node_id, int son)
        if (ast != NULL)
                if (ASTText(ast)!=NULL)
                        if (ASTLine(ast) != 0)
                parent = node_id;
                //printf("valor de node_id fill 1:%i\n",node_id);
                //printf("valor de node_id fill 2:%i\n",node_id);
        return node_id;

#ifndef _AST_H_
#define _AST_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

typedef enum {

        /* Lexical Conventions A.4 */

        /* Expressions A.4 */
        /* Declarations A.6 */
        /* Declarators A.7 */

        /* Classes A.8 */

        /* others */

        NAmbig, NAmbig_join

} node_t;

int identificador_node_ast;
#define MAX_AST_SONS 4
typedef struct node
  node_t             type;
  int                no_nodes;
  struct node        *parent;
  struct node        *sons[MAX_AST_SONS];
  int                line;
  char *             text;
  int                id;
} *AST;

char *type2string (node_t type);
#define ASTLeaf(node,line,text) ASTMake(node,0,0,0,0,line,text)
#define ASTMake1(node,son0,line,text) ASTMake(node,son0,0,0,0,line,text)
#define ASTMake2(node,son0,son1,line,text) ASTMake(node,son0,son1,0,0,line,text)
#define ASTMake3(node,son0,son1,son2,line,text) 
#define ASTMake4(node,son0,son1,son2,son3,line,text) 

AST ASTMake( node_t type, AST son0, AST son1, AST son2, AST son3, int line, 
char *text);

#define ASTType(a) ((a)->type)
#define ASTParent(a) ((a)->parent)
#define ASTLine(a) ((a)->line)
#define ASTText(a) ((a)->text)
#define ASTSon0(a) ((a)->sons[0])
#define ASTSon1(a) ((a)->sons[1])
#define ASTSon2(a) ((a)->sons[2])
#define ASTSon3(a) ((a)->sons[3])

AST ast_clone_rec(AST tree);
AST ast_clone(AST tree);

#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <strings.h>
#include "ast.h"

AST ast_join2 (AST tree1, AST tree2)
  if (!tree1) return tree2;
  if (!tree2) return tree1;
  return ASTMake2 (NJoin,tree1,tree2,0,0); 

AST ast_comma2 (AST tree1, AST tree2)
  if (!tree1) return tree2;
  if (!tree2) return tree1;
  return ASTMake2 (/*NComma JAIRO: NComma has been deleted from AST; use NJoin 

AST ast_clone_rec (AST tree)

  AST cloned_ast;
  AST son0, son1 ,son2, son3;
  char *text;
  int line;
  int type;
  int id;

  if (!tree)  {
        return NULL;

  type = tree -> type;
  son0 = ast_clone_rec (ASTSon0 (tree));
  son1 = ast_clone_rec (ASTSon1 (tree));
  son2 = ast_clone_rec (ASTSon2 (tree));
  son3 = ast_clone_rec (ASTSon3 (tree));
  line = tree -> line;
  id = tree -> id;
  text = tree -> text ? strdup (tree -> text) : NULL;
  cloned_ast = ASTMake (type, son0, son1, son2, son3, line, text);
  return (cloned_ast);

AST ast_clone (AST tree)
  return ast_clone_rec (tree);
#ifndef _AST_UTILS_H_
#define _AST_UTILS_H_

typedef struct t_ambig{
        AST ast; //el node q es NAmbig
        AST actual; //el node actual quan vaig fent les copies
        AST parent; //el pare del node NAmbig
        int parent_son; //num de fill del pare q es aquest Ambig
        //int doing_son;
        struct t_ambig* next;
} list_ambig;

#define ast_join(a,b) ast_join2(a,b)
AST ast_join2 (AST tree1, AST tree2);
#define ast_comma(a,b) ast_comma2(a,b)
AST ast_comma2 (AST tree1, AST tree2);

AST aplanar(AST tree);
void eliminar_repetits(AST tree);

#include "y.tab.h"

int yywrap();

void parse_token();
void parse_token_text();
int no_line=1;


%option 8bit
%option lex-compat
%option stack

hexdigit        [a-fA-F0-9]
hexquad         {hexdigit}{hexdigit}{hexdigit}{hexdigit}
uchar           (\\u{hexquad}|\\U{hexquad}{hexquad})
nondigit        ([_a-zA-Z]|uchar)
digit           [0-9]

idnondigit      ({nondigit}|{uchar})


{idnondigit}({idnondigit}|{digit})* {parse_token_text(); return IDENTIFIER; }

"}"         { return '}'; }
"{"         { return '{'; }
")"         { return ')'; }
"("         { return '('; }

";"                     { return ';'; }
"::"                    { return DOS_DOS_PUNTS; }

[\n]            {no_line++;}
[ \t\v\f]       {  }
.               { /* ignore bad characters */ }


int yywrap()
        return 1;

void parse_token()
        yylval.token_atrib.line = no_line;

void parse_token_text()
        yylval.token_atrib.text = strdup(yytext);
#define YYDEBUG 1

#include "ast.h"
#include "ast_utils.h"

typedef struct {
        char* text;
        int line;
} type_token_atrib;

static AST result;
int yyerror(char* s);
yydebug = 1;


%union {
        type_token_atrib token_atrib;

        AST ast;

%token<token_atrib> IDENTIFIER 

%token<token_atrib> DOS_DOS_PUNTS 

%type<ast>id_expression qualified_id nested_name_specifier 
%type<ast>declaration_seq declaration_seq_opt declaration simple_declaration 
decl_specifier decl_specifier_seq decl_specifier_seq_opt simple_type_specifier 
%type<ast>direct_declarator declarator_id function_definition 
%type<ast>dos_dos_punts dos_dos_punts_opt


%start declaration_seq


        : IDENTIFIER
                { $$ = ASTLeaf(NIdentifier, $1.line, $1.text); }

/* Expressions */

        : identifier
                { $$ = ASTMake1(NUnqualified_id, $1, 0,0); }
        | qualified_id
                { $$ = ASTMake1(NQualified_id, $1, 0,0); }

        : dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier identifier
                { $$ = ASTMake4(NQua_unqualified, $1, $2, 0, $3, 0, 0); }
        | dos_dos_punts identifier
                { $$ = ASTMake2(NQua_id, $1, $2, 0, 0); }

        : class_name dos_dos_punts nested_name_specifier_opt
                { $$ = ASTMake3(NNested_name_specifier, $1, $2, $3, 0, 0); }

                { $$ = 0; }
        | nested_name_specifier
                { $$ = $1; }

/* Declarations */

        : declaration
                { result = $$ = ASTMake1(NDeclaration, $1,0,0); }
        | declaration_seq declaration
                { result = $$ = ast_join($1, ASTMake1(NDeclaration, $2,0,0)); }

                { $$ = 0; }
        | declaration_seq
                { $$ = $1; }

        : simple_declaration
                { $$ = $1; }
        | function_definition
                { $$ = $1; }

        : simple_type_specifier direct_declarator ';'

                { $$ = ASTMake2(NSimple_declaration,$1,$2,0,0); }

        : simple_type_specifier
                { $$ = $1; }

        : decl_specifier_seq_opt decl_specifier 
                { $$ = ast_join($1,$2); }%merge <merging>

                { $$ = 0; }
        | decl_specifier_seq
                { $$ = $1; }

        : dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt type_name
                { $$ = ASTMake3(NSimple_type_specifier,$1,$2,$3,0,0); }

        : class_name 
                { $$ = $1; } 

/* Declarators */

        : declarator_id
                { $$ = $1; }
        | direct_declarator '(' ')' 
                { $$ = ASTMake4(NDeclarator_func, $1,0,0,0,0,0); }

        : dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt type_name
                { $$ = ASTMake3(NDeclarator_id_typename, $1,$2, $3,0,0); } 
%merge <merging>
        | id_expression
                { $$ = ASTMake1(NDeclarator_id, $1,0,0); } %merge <merging>

        : decl_specifier_seq_opt direct_declarator '{' '}'
                { $$ = ASTMake4(NFunction_definition_ctor,$1,$2,0,0,0,0); } 
%merge <merging>

/* Classes */

        : identifier
                { $$ = ASTMake1(NClass_name, $1,0,0); }

/* others */

        : DOS_DOS_PUNTS
                { $$ = ASTLeaf(NDos_dos_punts, $1.line,0); }

                { $$ = 0; }
        | dos_dos_punts
                { $$ = $1; }


#include "lex.yy.c"

int yyerror (char* s)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s in line %d\n", s, no_line);
        return 0;

AST merging2(YYSTYPE p, YYSTYPE s)
        AST res=0, primer, segon;
        primer = ast_clone(p.ast);
        segon = ast_clone(s.ast);
        if (ASTType(primer) != NAmbig && ASTType(segon)!=NAmbig) {
                AST join = ASTMake1(NAmbig_join,segon,0,"merging2");
                AST join2 = ASTMake2(NAmbig_join,primer,join,0,"merging2");
                res = ASTMake1(NAmbig,join2,0,"merging2");
                AST ambig, nou;
                if (ASTType(primer) == NAmbig){
                        ambig = primer;
                        nou = segon;
                else {
                        ambig = segon;
                        nou = primer;
                res = ambig;
                ambig = ASTSon0(ambig);
                while (ASTSon1(ambig) != 0){
                        ambig = ASTSon1(ambig);
                AST join = ASTMake1(NAmbig_join,nou,0,"merging2");
                ASTSon1(ambig) = join;
                ASTParent(join) = ambig;
        return res;

AST merging(YYSTYPE p, YYSTYPE s){
        return merging2(p,s);

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
        extern FILE *yyin;
        yyin = fopen( argv[1], "r");

        if (result){
                printf("Ok, doned\n");
Starting parse
Entering state 0
Reading a token: Next token is token IDENTIFIER ()
Stack 0 Entering state 0
Splitting off stack 1 from 0.
Reduced stack 1 by rule #27; action deferred. Now in state 10.
Stack 1 Entering state 10
Splitting off stack 2 from 1.
Reduced stack 2 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 27.
Stack 2 Entering state 27
On stack 2, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 1, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Reduced stack 0 by rule #16; action deferred. Now in state 6.
Stack 0 Entering state 6
Splitting off stack 3 from 0.
Reduced stack 3 by rule #27; action deferred. Now in state 22.
Stack 3 Entering state 22
Splitting off stack 4 from 3.
Reduced stack 4 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 33.
Stack 4 Entering state 33
On stack 4, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 3, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 0, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Stack 0 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 0 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 14.
Stack 0 Entering state 14
Reduced stack 0 by rule #2; action deferred. Now in state 15.
Stack 0 Entering state 15
Reduced stack 0 by rule #23; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 0 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 0 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Stack 0 Entering state 19
Reading a token: Next token is token IDENTIFIER ()
Stack 0 dies.
Stack 1 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 1 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 1 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 1 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 1 Entering state 28
Stack 1 dies.
Stack 2 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 2 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 2 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 2 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 2 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 2 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 36.
Stack 2 Entering state 36
Reduced stack 2 by rule #18; action deferred. Now in state 7.
Stack 2 Entering state 7
Splitting off stack 5 from 2.
Reduced stack 5 by rule #27; action deferred. Now in state 24.
Stack 5 Entering state 24
Splitting off stack 6 from 5.
Reduced stack 6 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 35.
Stack 6 Entering state 35
On stack 6, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 5, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 2, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Stack 3 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 3 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 3 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 3 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 3 Entering state 28
Stack 3 dies.
Stack 4 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 4 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 4 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 4 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 4 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 4 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 42.
Stack 4 Entering state 42
Reduced stack 4 by rule #18; action deferred. Now in state 18.
Stack 4 Entering state 18
Reduced stack 4 by rule #14; action deferred. Now in state 17.
Stack 4 Entering state 17
Reduced stack 4 by rule #15; action deferred. Now in state 5.
Stack 4 Entering state 5
Reduced stack 4 by rule #17; action deferred. Now in state 6.
Stack 4 Entering state 6
Splitting off stack 7 from 4.
Reduced stack 7 by rule #27; action deferred. Now in state 22.
Stack 7 Entering state 22
Splitting off stack 8 from 7.
Reduced stack 8 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 33.
Stack 8 Entering state 33
On stack 8, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 7, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 4, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Removing dead stacks.
Rename stack 2 -> 0.
Rename stack 4 -> 1.
Rename stack 5 -> 2.
Rename stack 6 -> 3.
Rename stack 7 -> 4.
Rename stack 8 -> 5.
Stack 0 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 0 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 14.
Stack 0 Entering state 14
Reduced stack 0 by rule #2; action deferred. Now in state 15.
Stack 0 Entering state 15
Reduced stack 0 by rule #23; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 0 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 0 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 23.
Stack 0 Entering state 23
Reading a token: Next token is token DOS_DOS_PUNTS ()
Stack 0 dies.
Stack 1 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 1 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 14.
Stack 1 Entering state 14
Reduced stack 1 by rule #2; action deferred. Now in state 15.
Stack 1 Entering state 15
Reduced stack 1 by rule #23; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 1 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 1 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Stack 1 Entering state 19
Stack 1 dies.
Stack 2 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 2 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 2 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 2 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 2 Entering state 28
On stack 2, shifting token DOS_DOS_PUNTS (), now in state #1
Stack 3 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 3 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 3 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 3 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 3 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 3 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 43.
Stack 3 Entering state 43
Reduced stack 3 by rule #22; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 3 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 3 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 23.
Stack 3 Entering state 23
Stack 3 dies.
Stack 4 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 4 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 4 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 4 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 4 Entering state 28
On stack 4, shifting token DOS_DOS_PUNTS (), now in state #1
Stack 5 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 5 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 5 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 5 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 5 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 5 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 42.
Stack 5 Entering state 42
Reduced stack 5 by rule #18; action deferred. Now in state 18.
Stack 5 Entering state 18
Reduced stack 5 by rule #14; action deferred. Now in state 17.
Stack 5 Entering state 17
Reduced stack 5 by rule #15; action deferred. Now in state 5.
Stack 5 Entering state 5
Reduced stack 5 by rule #17; action deferred. Now in state 6.
Stack 5 Entering state 6
On stack 5, shifting token DOS_DOS_PUNTS (), now in state #1
Removing dead stacks.
Rename stack 2 -> 0.
Rename stack 4 -> 1.
Rename stack 5 -> 2.
Stack 0 Entering state 1
Reduced stack 0 by rule #26; action deferred. Now in state 38.
Stack 0 Entering state 38
Reading a token: Next token is token IDENTIFIER ()
Splitting off stack 3 from 0.
Reduced stack 3 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 44.
Stack 3 Entering state 44
Reduced stack 3 by rule #6; action deferred. Now in state 32.
Stack 3 Entering state 32
Splitting off stack 4 from 3.
Reduced stack 4 by rule #8; action deferred. Now in state 35.
Stack 4 Entering state 35
On stack 4, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 3, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 0, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Stack 1 Entering state 1
Reduced stack 1 by rule #26; action deferred. Now in state 38.
Stack 1 Entering state 38
Splitting off stack 5 from 1.
Reduced stack 5 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 44.
Stack 5 Entering state 44
Reduced stack 5 by rule #6; action deferred. Now in state 32.
Stack 5 Entering state 32
Splitting off stack 6 from 5.
Reduced stack 6 by rule #8; action deferred. Now in state 33.
Stack 6 Entering state 33
On stack 6, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 5, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 1, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Stack 2 Entering state 1
Reduced stack 2 by rule #26; action deferred. Now in state 21.
Stack 2 Entering state 21
Splitting off stack 7 from 2.
Reduced stack 7 by rule #28; action deferred. Now in state 22.
Stack 7 Entering state 22
Splitting off stack 8 from 7.
Reduced stack 8 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 33.
Stack 8 Entering state 33
On stack 8, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 7, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 2, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Stack 0 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 0 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 0 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 0 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 0 Entering state 28
Reading a token: Next token is token '(' ()
Stack 0 dies.
Stack 1 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 1 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 1 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 1 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 1 Entering state 28
Stack 1 dies.
Stack 2 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 2 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 31.
Stack 2 Entering state 31
Reduced stack 2 by rule #5; action deferred. Now in state 16.
Stack 2 Entering state 16
Reduced stack 2 by rule #3; action deferred. Now in state 15.
Stack 2 Entering state 15
Reduced stack 2 by rule #23; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 2 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 2 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Stack 2 Entering state 19
On stack 2, shifting token '(' (), now in state #29
Stack 3 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 3 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 41.
Stack 3 Entering state 41
Reduced stack 3 by rule #4; action deferred. Now in state 16.
Stack 3 Entering state 16
Reduced stack 3 by rule #3; action deferred. Now in state 15.
Stack 3 Entering state 15
Reduced stack 3 by rule #23; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 3 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 3 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 23.
Stack 3 Entering state 23
On stack 3, shifting token '(' (), now in state #29
Stack 4 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 4 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 4 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 4 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 4 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 4 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 43.
Stack 4 Entering state 43
Reduced stack 4 by rule #22; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 4 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 4 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 23.
Merging stack 4 into stack 3.
Stack 5 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 5 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 41.
Stack 5 Entering state 41
Reduced stack 5 by rule #4; action deferred. Now in state 16.
Stack 5 Entering state 16
Reduced stack 5 by rule #3; action deferred. Now in state 15.
Stack 5 Entering state 15
Reduced stack 5 by rule #23; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 5 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 5 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Stack 5 Entering state 19
On stack 5, shifting token '(' (), now in state #29
Stack 6 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 6 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 6 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 6 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 6 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 6 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 42.
Stack 6 Entering state 42
Reduced stack 6 by rule #22; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 6 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 6 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Merging stack 6 into stack 5.
Stack 7 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 7 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 7 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 7 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 7 Entering state 28
Stack 7 dies.
Stack 8 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 8 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 8 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 8 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 8 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 8 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 42.
Stack 8 Entering state 42
Reduced stack 8 by rule #22; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 8 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 8 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Merging stack 8 into stack 2.
Removing dead stacks.
Rename stack 2 -> 0.
Rename stack 3 -> 1.
Rename stack 5 -> 2.
Stack 0 Entering state 29
Reading a token: Next token is token ')' ()
On stack 0, shifting token ')' (), now in state #39
Stack 1 Entering state 29
On stack 1, shifting token ')' (), now in state #39
Stack 2 Entering state 29
On stack 2, shifting token ')' (), now in state #39
Stack 0 Entering state 39
Reduced stack 0 by rule #21; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Stack 0 Entering state 19
Reading a token: Next token is token '{' ()
On stack 0, shifting token '{' (), now in state #30
Stack 1 Entering state 39
Reduced stack 1 by rule #21; action deferred. Now in state 23.
Stack 1 Entering state 23
Stack 1 dies.
Stack 2 Entering state 39
Reduced stack 2 by rule #21; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Stack 2 Entering state 19
On stack 2, shifting token '{' (), now in state #30
Removing dead stacks.
Rename stack 2 -> 1.
Stack 0 Entering state 30
Reading a token: Next token is token '}' ()
On stack 0, shifting token '}' (), now in state #40
Stack 1 Entering state 30
On stack 1, shifting token '}' (), now in state #40
Stack 0 Entering state 40
Reduced stack 0 by rule #24; action deferred. Now in state 8.
Stack 0 Entering state 8
Reduced stack 0 by rule #12; action deferred. Now in state 3.
Stack 0 Entering state 3
Reduced stack 0 by rule #9; action deferred. Now in state 2.
Stack 0 Entering state 2
Reading a token: Next token is token IDENTIFIER ()
Splitting off stack 2 from 0.
Reduced stack 2 by rule #27; action deferred. Now in state 10.
Stack 2 Entering state 10
Splitting off stack 3 from 2.
Reduced stack 3 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 27.
Stack 3 Entering state 27
On stack 3, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 2, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Reduced stack 0 by rule #16; action deferred. Now in state 6.
Stack 0 Entering state 6
Splitting off stack 4 from 0.
Reduced stack 4 by rule #27; action deferred. Now in state 22.
Stack 4 Entering state 22
Splitting off stack 5 from 4.
Reduced stack 5 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 33.
Stack 5 Entering state 33
On stack 5, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 4, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 0, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Stack 1 Entering state 40
Reduced stack 1 by rule #24; action deferred. Now in state 8.
Stack 1 Entering state 8
Reduced stack 1 by rule #12; action deferred. Now in state 3.
Stack 1 Entering state 3
Reduced stack 1 by rule #9; action deferred. Now in state 2.
Merging stack 1 into stack 0.
Removing dead stacks.
Rename stack 2 -> 1.
Rename stack 3 -> 2.
Rename stack 4 -> 3.
Rename stack 5 -> 4.
Stack 0 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 0 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 14.
Stack 0 Entering state 14
Reduced stack 0 by rule #2; action deferred. Now in state 15.
Stack 0 Entering state 15
Reduced stack 0 by rule #23; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 0 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 0 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Stack 0 Entering state 19
Reading a token: Next token is token IDENTIFIER ()
Stack 0 dies.
Stack 1 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 1 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 1 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 1 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 1 Entering state 28
Stack 1 dies.
Stack 2 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 2 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 2 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 2 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 2 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 2 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 36.
Stack 2 Entering state 36
Reduced stack 2 by rule #18; action deferred. Now in state 7.
Stack 2 Entering state 7
Splitting off stack 5 from 2.
Reduced stack 5 by rule #27; action deferred. Now in state 24.
Stack 5 Entering state 24
Splitting off stack 6 from 5.
Reduced stack 6 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 35.
Stack 6 Entering state 35
On stack 6, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 5, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 2, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Stack 3 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 3 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 3 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 3 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 3 Entering state 28
Stack 3 dies.
Stack 4 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 4 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 4 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 4 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 4 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 4 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 42.
Stack 4 Entering state 42
Reduced stack 4 by rule #18; action deferred. Now in state 18.
Stack 4 Entering state 18
Reduced stack 4 by rule #14; action deferred. Now in state 17.
Stack 4 Entering state 17
Reduced stack 4 by rule #15; action deferred. Now in state 5.
Stack 4 Entering state 5
Reduced stack 4 by rule #17; action deferred. Now in state 6.
Stack 4 Entering state 6
Splitting off stack 7 from 4.
Reduced stack 7 by rule #27; action deferred. Now in state 22.
Stack 7 Entering state 22
Splitting off stack 8 from 7.
Reduced stack 8 by rule #7; action deferred. Now in state 33.
Stack 8 Entering state 33
On stack 8, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 7, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
On stack 4, shifting token IDENTIFIER (), now in state #13
Removing dead stacks.
Rename stack 2 -> 0.
Rename stack 4 -> 1.
Rename stack 5 -> 2.
Rename stack 6 -> 3.
Rename stack 7 -> 4.
Rename stack 8 -> 5.
Stack 0 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 0 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 14.
Stack 0 Entering state 14
Reduced stack 0 by rule #2; action deferred. Now in state 15.
Stack 0 Entering state 15
Reduced stack 0 by rule #23; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 0 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 0 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 23.
Stack 0 Entering state 23
Reading a token: Next token is token ';' ()
On stack 0, shifting token ';' (), now in state #34
Stack 1 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 1 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 14.
Stack 1 Entering state 14
Reduced stack 1 by rule #2; action deferred. Now in state 15.
Stack 1 Entering state 15
Reduced stack 1 by rule #23; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 1 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 1 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 19.
Stack 1 Entering state 19
Stack 1 dies.
Stack 2 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 2 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 2 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 2 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 2 Entering state 28
Stack 2 dies.
Stack 3 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 3 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 3 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 3 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 3 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 3 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 43.
Stack 3 Entering state 43
Reduced stack 3 by rule #22; action deferred. Now in state 20.
Stack 3 Entering state 20
Reduced stack 3 by rule #20; action deferred. Now in state 23.
Merging stack 3 into stack 0.
Stack 4 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 4 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 4 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 4 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 28.
Stack 4 Entering state 28
Stack 4 dies.
Stack 5 Entering state 13
Reduced stack 5 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 25.
Stack 5 Entering state 25
Reduced stack 5 by rule #25; action deferred. Now in state 37.
Stack 5 Entering state 37
Reduced stack 5 by rule #19; action deferred. Now in state 42.
Stack 5 Entering state 42
Reduced stack 5 by rule #18; action deferred. Now in state 18.
Stack 5 Entering state 18
Reduced stack 5 by rule #14; action deferred. Now in state 17.
Stack 5 Entering state 17
Reduced stack 5 by rule #15; action deferred. Now in state 5.
Stack 5 Entering state 5
Reduced stack 5 by rule #17; action deferred. Now in state 6.
Stack 5 Entering state 6
Stack 5 dies.
Removing dead stacks.
Returning to deterministic operation.
Entering state 34
Reducing stack 0 by rule 13 (line 108), simple_type_specifier direct_declarator 
';' -> simple_declaration
Entering state 4
Reducing stack 0 by rule 11 (line 101), simple_declaration -> declaration
Entering state 12
Reducing stack 0 by rule 10 (line 89), declaration_seq declaration -> 
Entering state 2
Reading a token: Next token is token $end ()
Shifting token $end ()
Entering state 11
Useless nonterminals


Useless rules

   29 declaration_seq_opt: /* empty */
   30                    | declaration_seq

State 0 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce, 1 reduce/reduce
State 2 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce, 1 reduce/reduce
State 6 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 7 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 10 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 21 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 22 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 24 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 32 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 38 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce


    0 $accept: declaration_seq $end

    1 identifier: IDENTIFIER

    2 id_expression: identifier
    3              | qualified_id

    4 qualified_id: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier identifier
    5             | dos_dos_punts identifier

    6 nested_name_specifier: class_name dos_dos_punts nested_name_specifier_opt

    7 nested_name_specifier_opt: /* empty */
    8                          | nested_name_specifier

    9 declaration_seq: declaration
   10                | declaration_seq declaration

   11 declaration: simple_declaration
   12            | function_definition

   13 simple_declaration: simple_type_specifier direct_declarator ';'

   14 decl_specifier: simple_type_specifier

   15 decl_specifier_seq: decl_specifier_seq_opt decl_specifier

   16 decl_specifier_seq_opt: /* empty */
   17                       | decl_specifier_seq

   18 simple_type_specifier: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt 

   19 type_name: class_name

   20 direct_declarator: declarator_id
   21                  | direct_declarator '(' ')'

   22 declarator_id: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt type_name
   23              | id_expression

   24 function_definition: decl_specifier_seq_opt direct_declarator '{' '}'

   25 class_name: identifier

   26 dos_dos_punts: DOS_DOS_PUNTS

   27 dos_dos_punts_opt: /* empty */
   28                  | dos_dos_punts

Terminals, with rules where they appear

$end (0) 0
'(' (40) 21
')' (41) 21
';' (59) 13
'{' (123) 24
'}' (125) 24
error (256)
DOS_DOS_PUNTS (259) 26

Nonterminals, with rules where they appear

$accept (10)
    on left: 0
identifier (11)
    on left: 1, on right: 2 4 5 25
id_expression (12)
    on left: 2 3, on right: 23
qualified_id (13)
    on left: 4 5, on right: 3
nested_name_specifier (14)
    on left: 6, on right: 4 8
nested_name_specifier_opt (15)
    on left: 7 8, on right: 6 18 22
declaration_seq (16)
    on left: 9 10, on right: 0 10
declaration (17)
    on left: 11 12, on right: 9 10
simple_declaration (18)
    on left: 13, on right: 11
decl_specifier (19)
    on left: 14, on right: 15
decl_specifier_seq (20)
    on left: 15, on right: 17
decl_specifier_seq_opt (21)
    on left: 16 17, on right: 15 24
simple_type_specifier (22)
    on left: 18, on right: 13 14
type_name (23)
    on left: 19, on right: 18 22
direct_declarator (24)
    on left: 20 21, on right: 13 21 24
declarator_id (25)
    on left: 22 23, on right: 20
function_definition (26)
    on left: 24, on right: 12
class_name (27)
    on left: 25, on right: 6 19
dos_dos_punts (28)
    on left: 26, on right: 5 6 28
dos_dos_punts_opt (29)
    on left: 27 28, on right: 4 18 22

state 0

    0 $accept: . declaration_seq $end
    9 declaration_seq: . declaration
   10                | . declaration_seq declaration
   11 declaration: . simple_declaration
   12            | . function_definition
   13 simple_declaration: . simple_type_specifier direct_declarator ';'
   15 decl_specifier_seq: . decl_specifier_seq_opt decl_specifier
   16 decl_specifier_seq_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER, DOS_DOS_PUNTS]
   17                       | . decl_specifier_seq
   18 simple_type_specifier: . dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt 
   24 function_definition: . decl_specifier_seq_opt direct_declarator '{' '}'
   26 dos_dos_punts: . DOS_DOS_PUNTS
   27 dos_dos_punts_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER]
   28                  | . dos_dos_punts

    DOS_DOS_PUNTS  shift, and go to state 1

    IDENTIFIER     reduce using rule 16 (decl_specifier_seq_opt)
    IDENTIFIER     [reduce using rule 27 (dos_dos_punts_opt)]
    DOS_DOS_PUNTS  [reduce using rule 16 (decl_specifier_seq_opt)]
    $default       reduce using rule 16 (decl_specifier_seq_opt)

    declaration_seq         go to state 2
    declaration             go to state 3
    simple_declaration      go to state 4
    decl_specifier_seq      go to state 5
    decl_specifier_seq_opt  go to state 6
    simple_type_specifier   go to state 7
    function_definition     go to state 8
    dos_dos_punts           go to state 9
    dos_dos_punts_opt       go to state 10

state 1

   26 dos_dos_punts: DOS_DOS_PUNTS .

    $default  reduce using rule 26 (dos_dos_punts)

state 2

    0 $accept: declaration_seq . $end
   10 declaration_seq: declaration_seq . declaration
   11 declaration: . simple_declaration
   12            | . function_definition
   13 simple_declaration: . simple_type_specifier direct_declarator ';'
   15 decl_specifier_seq: . decl_specifier_seq_opt decl_specifier
   16 decl_specifier_seq_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER, DOS_DOS_PUNTS]
   17                       | . decl_specifier_seq
   18 simple_type_specifier: . dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt 
   24 function_definition: . decl_specifier_seq_opt direct_declarator '{' '}'
   26 dos_dos_punts: . DOS_DOS_PUNTS
   27 dos_dos_punts_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER]
   28                  | . dos_dos_punts

    $end           shift, and go to state 11
    DOS_DOS_PUNTS  shift, and go to state 1

    IDENTIFIER     reduce using rule 16 (decl_specifier_seq_opt)
    IDENTIFIER     [reduce using rule 27 (dos_dos_punts_opt)]
    DOS_DOS_PUNTS  [reduce using rule 16 (decl_specifier_seq_opt)]
    $default       reduce using rule 16 (decl_specifier_seq_opt)

    declaration             go to state 12
    simple_declaration      go to state 4
    decl_specifier_seq      go to state 5
    decl_specifier_seq_opt  go to state 6
    simple_type_specifier   go to state 7
    function_definition     go to state 8
    dos_dos_punts           go to state 9
    dos_dos_punts_opt       go to state 10

state 3

    9 declaration_seq: declaration .

    $default  reduce using rule 9 (declaration_seq)

state 4

   11 declaration: simple_declaration .

    $default  reduce using rule 11 (declaration)

state 5

   17 decl_specifier_seq_opt: decl_specifier_seq .

    $default  reduce using rule 17 (decl_specifier_seq_opt)

state 6

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
    2 id_expression: . identifier
    3              | . qualified_id
    4 qualified_id: . dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier identifier
    5             | . dos_dos_punts identifier
   14 decl_specifier: . simple_type_specifier
   15 decl_specifier_seq: decl_specifier_seq_opt . decl_specifier
   18 simple_type_specifier: . dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt 
   20 direct_declarator: . declarator_id
   21                  | . direct_declarator '(' ')'
   22 declarator_id: . dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt type_name
   23              | . id_expression
   24 function_definition: decl_specifier_seq_opt . direct_declarator '{' '}'
   26 dos_dos_punts: . DOS_DOS_PUNTS
   27 dos_dos_punts_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER]
   28                  | . dos_dos_punts

    IDENTIFIER     shift, and go to state 13
    DOS_DOS_PUNTS  shift, and go to state 1

    IDENTIFIER  [reduce using rule 27 (dos_dos_punts_opt)]

    identifier             go to state 14
    id_expression          go to state 15
    qualified_id           go to state 16
    decl_specifier         go to state 17
    simple_type_specifier  go to state 18
    direct_declarator      go to state 19
    declarator_id          go to state 20
    dos_dos_punts          go to state 21
    dos_dos_punts_opt      go to state 22

state 7

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
    2 id_expression: . identifier
    3              | . qualified_id
    4 qualified_id: . dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier identifier
    5             | . dos_dos_punts identifier
   13 simple_declaration: simple_type_specifier . direct_declarator ';'
   20 direct_declarator: . declarator_id
   21                  | . direct_declarator '(' ')'
   22 declarator_id: . dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt type_name
   23              | . id_expression
   26 dos_dos_punts: . DOS_DOS_PUNTS
   27 dos_dos_punts_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER]
   28                  | . dos_dos_punts

    IDENTIFIER     shift, and go to state 13
    DOS_DOS_PUNTS  shift, and go to state 1

    IDENTIFIER  [reduce using rule 27 (dos_dos_punts_opt)]

    identifier         go to state 14
    id_expression      go to state 15
    qualified_id       go to state 16
    direct_declarator  go to state 23
    declarator_id      go to state 20
    dos_dos_punts      go to state 21
    dos_dos_punts_opt  go to state 24

state 8

   12 declaration: function_definition .

    $default  reduce using rule 12 (declaration)

state 9

   28 dos_dos_punts_opt: dos_dos_punts .

    $default  reduce using rule 28 (dos_dos_punts_opt)

state 10

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
    6 nested_name_specifier: . class_name dos_dos_punts 
    7 nested_name_specifier_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER]
    8                          | . nested_name_specifier
   18 simple_type_specifier: dos_dos_punts_opt . nested_name_specifier_opt 
   25 class_name: . identifier

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 13

    IDENTIFIER  [reduce using rule 7 (nested_name_specifier_opt)]

    identifier                 go to state 25
    nested_name_specifier      go to state 26
    nested_name_specifier_opt  go to state 27
    class_name                 go to state 28

state 11

    0 $accept: declaration_seq $end .

    $default  accept

state 12

   10 declaration_seq: declaration_seq declaration .

    $default  reduce using rule 10 (declaration_seq)

state 13

    1 identifier: IDENTIFIER .

    $default  reduce using rule 1 (identifier)

state 14

    2 id_expression: identifier .

    $default  reduce using rule 2 (id_expression)

state 15

   23 declarator_id: id_expression .

    $default  reduce using rule 23 (declarator_id)

state 16

    3 id_expression: qualified_id .

    $default  reduce using rule 3 (id_expression)

state 17

   15 decl_specifier_seq: decl_specifier_seq_opt decl_specifier .

    $default  reduce using rule 15 (decl_specifier_seq)

state 18

   14 decl_specifier: simple_type_specifier .

    $default  reduce using rule 14 (decl_specifier)

state 19

   21 direct_declarator: direct_declarator . '(' ')'
   24 function_definition: decl_specifier_seq_opt direct_declarator . '{' '}'

    '('  shift, and go to state 29
    '{'  shift, and go to state 30

state 20

   20 direct_declarator: declarator_id .

    $default  reduce using rule 20 (direct_declarator)

state 21

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
    5 qualified_id: dos_dos_punts . identifier
   28 dos_dos_punts_opt: dos_dos_punts .  [IDENTIFIER]

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 13

    IDENTIFIER  [reduce using rule 28 (dos_dos_punts_opt)]

    identifier  go to state 31

state 22

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
    4 qualified_id: dos_dos_punts_opt . nested_name_specifier identifier
    6 nested_name_specifier: . class_name dos_dos_punts 
    7 nested_name_specifier_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER]
    8                          | . nested_name_specifier
   18 simple_type_specifier: dos_dos_punts_opt . nested_name_specifier_opt 
   22 declarator_id: dos_dos_punts_opt . nested_name_specifier_opt type_name
   25 class_name: . identifier

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 13

    IDENTIFIER  [reduce using rule 7 (nested_name_specifier_opt)]

    identifier                 go to state 25
    nested_name_specifier      go to state 32
    nested_name_specifier_opt  go to state 33
    class_name                 go to state 28

state 23

   13 simple_declaration: simple_type_specifier direct_declarator . ';'
   21 direct_declarator: direct_declarator . '(' ')'

    ';'  shift, and go to state 34
    '('  shift, and go to state 29

state 24

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
    4 qualified_id: dos_dos_punts_opt . nested_name_specifier identifier
    6 nested_name_specifier: . class_name dos_dos_punts 
    7 nested_name_specifier_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER]
    8                          | . nested_name_specifier
   22 declarator_id: dos_dos_punts_opt . nested_name_specifier_opt type_name
   25 class_name: . identifier

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 13

    IDENTIFIER  [reduce using rule 7 (nested_name_specifier_opt)]

    identifier                 go to state 25
    nested_name_specifier      go to state 32
    nested_name_specifier_opt  go to state 35
    class_name                 go to state 28

state 25

   25 class_name: identifier .

    $default  reduce using rule 25 (class_name)

state 26

    8 nested_name_specifier_opt: nested_name_specifier .

    $default  reduce using rule 8 (nested_name_specifier_opt)

state 27

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
   18 simple_type_specifier: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt . 
   19 type_name: . class_name
   25 class_name: . identifier

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 13

    identifier  go to state 25
    type_name   go to state 36
    class_name  go to state 37

state 28

    6 nested_name_specifier: class_name . dos_dos_punts 
   26 dos_dos_punts: . DOS_DOS_PUNTS

    DOS_DOS_PUNTS  shift, and go to state 1

    dos_dos_punts  go to state 38

state 29

   21 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '(' . ')'

    ')'  shift, and go to state 39

state 30

   24 function_definition: decl_specifier_seq_opt direct_declarator '{' . '}'

    '}'  shift, and go to state 40

state 31

    5 qualified_id: dos_dos_punts identifier .

    $default  reduce using rule 5 (qualified_id)

state 32

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
    4 qualified_id: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier . identifier
    8 nested_name_specifier_opt: nested_name_specifier .  [IDENTIFIER]

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 13

    IDENTIFIER  [reduce using rule 8 (nested_name_specifier_opt)]

    identifier  go to state 41

state 33

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
   18 simple_type_specifier: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt . 
   19 type_name: . class_name
   22 declarator_id: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt . type_name
   25 class_name: . identifier

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 13

    identifier  go to state 25
    type_name   go to state 42
    class_name  go to state 37

state 34

   13 simple_declaration: simple_type_specifier direct_declarator ';' .

    $default  reduce using rule 13 (simple_declaration)

state 35

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
   19 type_name: . class_name
   22 declarator_id: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt . type_name
   25 class_name: . identifier

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 13

    identifier  go to state 25
    type_name   go to state 43
    class_name  go to state 37

state 36

   18 simple_type_specifier: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt 
type_name .

    $default  reduce using rule 18 (simple_type_specifier)

state 37

   19 type_name: class_name .

    $default  reduce using rule 19 (type_name)

state 38

    1 identifier: . IDENTIFIER
    6 nested_name_specifier: . class_name dos_dos_punts 
    6                      | class_name dos_dos_punts . 
    7 nested_name_specifier_opt: .  [IDENTIFIER]
    8                          | . nested_name_specifier
   25 class_name: . identifier

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 13

    IDENTIFIER  [reduce using rule 7 (nested_name_specifier_opt)]

    identifier                 go to state 25
    nested_name_specifier      go to state 26
    nested_name_specifier_opt  go to state 44
    class_name                 go to state 28

state 39

   21 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '(' ')' .

    $default  reduce using rule 21 (direct_declarator)

state 40

   24 function_definition: decl_specifier_seq_opt direct_declarator '{' '}' .

    $default  reduce using rule 24 (function_definition)

state 41

    4 qualified_id: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier identifier .

    $default  reduce using rule 4 (qualified_id)

state 42

   18 simple_type_specifier: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt 
   22 declarator_id: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt type_name .  
['(', '{']

    '('       reduce using rule 22 (declarator_id)
    '{'       reduce using rule 22 (declarator_id)
    $default  reduce using rule 18 (simple_type_specifier)

state 43

   22 declarator_id: dos_dos_punts_opt nested_name_specifier_opt type_name .

    $default  reduce using rule 22 (declarator_id)

state 44

    6 nested_name_specifier: class_name dos_dos_punts nested_name_specifier_opt 

    $default  reduce using rule 6 (nested_name_specifier)
a a::b(){}
d c;

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