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bug going to 1.875

From: rosing
Subject: bug going to 1.875
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 17:38:50 -0700


The following program, when run through a previous version of bison
worked fine, but after compiling it with 1.875 generates code that has
an error in it.  I can fix it for now by compiling with -U__GNUC_MINOR__.
I'm not sure what the previous version was.

The offending code is the cpp section in 
<start fragment>

| yyerrlab1 -- error raised explicitly by an action.  |

  /* Suppress GCC warning that yyerrlab1 is unused when no action
     invokes YYERROR.  */
#if defined (__GNUC_MINOR__) && 2093 <= (__GNUC__ * 1000 + __GNUC_MINOR__)
  __attribute__ ((__unused__))

  goto yyerrlab2;

<end fragment>



#include <stdlib.h>
#include "slip.h"

  /*#define YYSTYPE SlipNode**/
#define YYDEBUG 1
extern int exp_mode;
  struct slip_node_tp *ref;
  int op;

%type <ref> program stmt_list phrase_list_opt phrase_empty phrase_list
          exp bexpr base pri_exp 
%type <op> dot_sep_opt sep_opt range eq comp shift mult add string integer ident

%token INTEGER
%token STRING
%token IDENT
%token RANGE
%token AND
%token OR
%token NOTEQ
%token LE
%token GE
%token LSHIFT
%token RSHIFT
%token ISEQ
%token ARROW

%token EXPTERM
%token COMMA
%token LSLIP
%token LB
%token DCOLON

%% /* Grammar rules and actions follow.  */

program: stmt_list {global_slip = $1;};

stmt_list: {phrase_fix_pre();} phrase_list_opt
               $$ = phrase_fix_pop();

phrase_list_opt: phrase_empty{$$=$1;}|phrase_list{$$=$1;};
phrase_empty:{$$=0; phrase_fix_push_phrase(slip_list(0));};

             exp sep_opt
                 phrase_fix_push_op((enum phrase_op)(int)$2);
           | phrase_list exp sep_opt
                 phrase_fix_push_op((enum phrase_op)(int)$3);
           | '{' stmt_list '}' dot_sep_opt
                 phrase_fix_push_op((enum phrase_op)(int)$4);
           | phrase_list '{' stmt_list '}' dot_sep_opt
                 phrase_fix_push_op((enum phrase_op)(int)$5);
           | LB stmt_list '}' sep_opt
                 phrase_fix_push_op((enum phrase_op)(int)$4);
           | phrase_list LB stmt_list '}' sep_opt
                 phrase_fix_push_op((enum phrase_op)(int)$5);

dot_sep_opt: {$$=semi_op;}
            |'.' {$$=comma_op;}
            |COMMA {$$=comma_op;}
            |DCOLON {$$=dcolon_op;}
            |';' {$$=semi_op;}
            |'#' {$$=pound_op;}

sep_opt: {$$=comma_op;}
        |'.' {$$=comma_op;}
        |COMMA {$$=comma_op;}
        |DCOLON {$$=dcolon_op;}
        |';' {$$=semi_op;}
        |'#' {$$=pound_op;}

exp: {exp_mode=1;expr_fix_pre();} op_list bexpr EXPTERM 

bexpr:  base
     |  base op_plus 
     |  base op_plus bexpr

base: pri_exp {expr_fix_push_base($1);};

pri_exp: integer                    { $$=(SlipNode*)(slip_int((int)$1));}
        | ident                     { $$=(SlipNode*)(slip_ident((int)$1));}
        | '@' ident                 {$$=(SlipNode*)(slip_keyword((int)$2));}
        | string                    { $$=(SlipNode*)(slip_string((int)$1));}
        | '(' exp ')'               {$$=$2; exp_mode=1;}
        | pri_exp '(' stmt_list ')' { $$=slip_bin($1, op_call, $3);exp_mode=1;}
        | pri_exp '[' stmt_list ']' { $$=slip_bin($1, op_array,$3);exp_mode=1;}
        | '[' stmt_list ']'
             /*$$=slip_unary( op_data, $2);*/
             $$ = slip_list($2);
        | LSLIP  stmt_list ')'      { $$=slip_list($2); exp_mode=1;}
        | pri_exp '.' ident
           $$=slip_bin($1, op_dot,slip_list(slip_ident((int)$3)));exp_mode=1;
        | pri_exp ARROW ident
           $$=slip_bin($1, op_arrow,slip_list(slip_ident((int)$3)));exp_mode=1;
        | '`' ident {$$=slip_quote(slip_int((int)$2));}

op: range {expr_fix_push_op((enum op)(int)$1);}
  | eq {expr_fix_push_op((enum op)(int)$1);}
  | comp {expr_fix_push_op((enum op)(int)$1);}
  | shift {expr_fix_push_op((enum op)(int)$1);}
  | add {expr_fix_push_op((enum op)(int)$1);}
  | mult {expr_fix_push_op((enum op)(int)$1);}
  | ':' {expr_fix_push_op(op_colon);}
  | '=' {expr_fix_push_op(op_eq);}
  | OR {expr_fix_push_op(op_dbar);}
  | AND {expr_fix_push_op(op_dampersand);}
  | '|' {expr_fix_push_op(op_bar);}
  | '^' {expr_fix_push_op(op_hat);}
  | '&' {expr_fix_push_op(op_ampersand);}
  | '!' {expr_fix_push_op(op_bang);}
/*  | '.' {expr_fix_push_op(op_dot);}*/

op_list: | op_list op ;
op_plus: op | op_plus op;

range: RANGE {$$=op_ddot;}
     | RANGEPLUS {$$=op_ddotplus;}

eq: ISEQ {$$=op_eqeq;}
  | NOTEQ {$$=op_bangeq;};

comp: '<' {$$=op_left;}
    | LE  {$$=op_lefteq;}
    | '>' {$$=op_right;}
    | GE  {$$=op_righteq;};

shift: LSHIFT {$$=op_dleft;}
     | RSHIFT {$$=op_dright;};

add: '+' {$$=op_plus;}
   | '-' {$$=op_minus;};

mult: '*' {$$=op_star;}
    | '/' {$$=op_slash;};

string: STRING {$$=last_string;};
integer: INTEGER {$$=last_int;};
ident: IDENT {$$=last_ident;};

void yyerror (const char *s) { /* called by yyparse on error */
  char c;
  int i=0;
  while( cp[i]!='\n' && cp[i]!=0)
  c = cp[i];
  cp[i] = 0;
  printf ("%s, line %d: %s\n", s,source_line,cp);
  was_parse_err = 1;
  cp[i] = c;

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