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Re: Unicode, better error reporting

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: Unicode, better error reporting
Date: 12 Sep 2002 19:07:02 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

>>>>> "Hans" == Hans Aberg <address@hidden> writes:

Hans>  - So therefore, I was led to the following idea: One is allowed
Hans> to write %token string_value "string" { /* code */ } Then idea
Hans> is that when the Bison parser is going to write out the name of
Hans> the token, it instead executes the code snippet.

Thanks Hans, but we need code, no idea.  I think I already said that.
And BTW, have a look at the test suite.

## -------------------------- ##
## Printers and Destructors.  ##
## -------------------------- ##

AT_SETUP([Printers and Destructors])

# Make sure complex $n work.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define YYDEBUG 1
  int ival;
%type <ival> 'x' thing line input

%printer { fprintf (yyout, "%d from %d", $$, @$.first_line); }
   input line thing 'x'

    fprintf (stdout, "Freeing ");
    /* Cannot use $$ which is the union member, not the union itself. */
    yysymprint (stdout, yytype, yyvalue, @$);
    fprintf (stdout, "\n");
  input line thing 'x'

static int yylex (void);
static void yyerror (const char *msg);

  /* Nothing. */
      $$ = 0;
      printf ("input(%d): /* Nothing */';'\n", $$);
| line input /* Right recursive to load the stack so that popping at
                EOF can be exercised.  */
      $$ = 2;
      printf ("input(%d): line(%d) input(%d)';'\n", $$, $1, $2);

  thing thing thing ';'
      $$ = $1;
      printf ("line(%d): thing(%d) thing(%d) thing(%d) ';'\n", $$, $1, $2, $3);
| thing thing ';'
      $$ = $1;
      printf ("line(%d): thing(%d) thing(%d) ';'\n", $$, $1, $2);
| thing ';'
      $$ = $1;
      printf ("line(%d): thing(%d) ';'\n", $$, $1);
| error ';'
      $$ = -1;
      printf ("line(%d): error ';'\n", $$);

      $$ = $1;
      printf ("thing(%d): 'x'(%d)\n", $$, $1);
static int
yylex (void)
  static const unsigned int input[] =
      /* Exericise the discarding of stack top and input until `error'
         can be reduced.  */
      'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', ';',

      /* Load the stack and provoke an error that cannot be caught by
         the grammar, to check that the stack is cleared. */
      'x', 'x', ';',
      'x', ';',
  static unsigned int counter = 0;

  if (counter < (sizeof(input) / sizeof (input[0])))
       yylval.ival = counter;
       /* As in BASIC, line numbers go from 10 to 10.  */
       yylloc.first_line = 10 * counter;
       printf ("sending: '%c' (value = %d, line %d)\n",
               input[counter], yylval.ival, yylloc.first_line);
       return (int) input[counter++];
      printf ("sending: EOF\n");
      return EOF;

static void
yyerror (const char *msg)
  fprintf (stdout, "%d: %s\n", yylloc.first_line, msg);

main (void)
  yydebug = !!getenv ("YYDEBUG");
  if (yyparse ())
      fprintf (stdout, "Parsing FAILED.\n");
      exit (1);
  fprintf (stdout, "Successful parse.\n");
  return 0;

AT_CHECK([bison input.y --location -d -v -o input.c])
AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input], 1,
[[sending: 'x' (value = 0, line 0)
thing(0): 'x'(0)
sending: 'x' (value = 1, line 10)
thing(1): 'x'(1)
sending: 'x' (value = 2, line 20)
thing(2): 'x'(2)
sending: 'x' (value = 3, line 30)
30: parse error, unexpected 'x', expecting ';'
Freeing nterm thing (2 from 20)
Freeing nterm thing (1 from 10)
Freeing nterm thing (0 from 0)
Freeing token 'x' (3 from 30)
sending: 'x' (value = 4, line 40)
Freeing token 'x' (4 from 40)
sending: 'x' (value = 5, line 50)
Freeing token 'x' (5 from 50)
sending: ';' (value = 6, line 60)
line(-1): error ';'
sending: 'x' (value = 7, line 70)
thing(7): 'x'(7)
sending: 'x' (value = 8, line 80)
thing(8): 'x'(8)
sending: ';' (value = 9, line 90)
line(7): thing(7) thing(8) ';'
sending: 'x' (value = 10, line 100)
thing(10): 'x'(10)
sending: ';' (value = 11, line 110)
line(10): thing(10) ';'
sending: 'y' (value = 12, line 120)
120: parse error, unexpected $undefined, expecting $end or 'x'
sending: EOF
Freeing nterm line (10 from 100)
Freeing nterm line (7 from 70)
Freeing nterm line (-1 from 50)
Parsing FAILED.


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