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#defines before C declarations?

From: Jeffrey W Percival
Subject: #defines before C declarations?
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 11:44:40 -0500

I'm using bison 1.28, and have found a bothersome issue...  In my C
declarations section, I do some includes of standard system files (e.g.
unistd.h).  After running bison, I see in my y.tab.c that bison has
inserted a bunch of defines, defining the tokens, *before* my C
declarations.  In other words:

    #include <unistd.h>
    %token foo

I then see this in y.tab.h:

    #define foo 257
    #define eof 371
    #include <unistd.h>

My compile fails because some of the things bison #defines appear in
unistd.h, which generates errors.

Why doesn't bison insert its defines *after* my c-code, as does yacc?
Note that the "eof" token isn't even something I define myself, so I
can't just choose to use differently spelled tokens.

Jeffrey W Percival, Senior Scientist and Associate Director
Space Astronomy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin - Madison
1150 University Ave, Madison, WI 53706 USA
608-262-8686 (fax 608-263-0361) address@hidden

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