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Some minor notes on manual chapter 4 "Shell Builtin Commands"

From: Martin Schulte
Subject: Some minor notes on manual chapter 4 "Shell Builtin Commands"
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 01:16:41 +0200


I took a closer look on the online manual chapter 4 "Shell Builtin Commands" 
and found some inconsistencies:

- true and false seem to be missing (in 4.1 Bourne Shell Builtins).

The following has been tested with bash 5.2.15:

- 3.7.5 Exit Status says: "All builtins return an exit status of 2 to indicate 
incorrect usage, generally invalid options or missing arguments." but cd with 
two or more non-optional arguments returns an exit status of 1.

- The same is true if exit is called with two or more argument where the first 
is numeric. This exit doesn't terminate bash.

- When exit is invoked with a non-numeric first argument it terminates bash. 
That seems to be inconsistent with the behaviour described before, while the 
exit status of the shell is 2 and consistent in some way.

Best regards


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