On 1/19/21 8:30 AM, awa54@cdak.net wrote:
Bash Version: 5.1
Patch Level: 4
Release Status: release
man bash says:
> completion-map-case (Off)
> If set to On, and completion-ignore-case is enabled, readline
treats hyphens (-) and underscores (_) as equivalent when performing
case-insensitive filename matching and completion.
$ bind -v|grep case
set completion-ignore-case on
set completion-map-case on
So it should be enabled and when I type
$ touch _test
$ chmod +x -t<TAB>
it completes to
$ chmod +x _test
But neither
$ ./-t<TAB>
$ ls -t<TAB>
If I turn off progcomp with `shopt -u progcomp` (as suggested here
https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/629844/bash-completion) it
allows the `ls` example to complete but not the other.
Thanks for the report. Those two options work for filename completion, but
not command completion (the bulk of which is handled outside readline).
I'll take a look at exposing that functionality outside readline, since
it's currently part of readline's filename completion, but that will take
some time and probably require a version bump.