On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 12:08 PM, pg <philippe.gonze@gmail.com> wrote:
I am pleased to inform you about bashj - a bash 'mutant' with java
This product opens numerous very interesting fields to bash developers.
I have a few questions / comments:
* Under which license / use terms are you releasing bashj? It doesn't
seem to be free software, the source code does not seem to be
available in the Sourceforge project, and I can't find any reference
to the license in the links you shared. FWIW, I don't have
enough confidence to test bashj by just downloading a random JAR file
from the internet and executing it in my computer. I would like to be
able to inspect the source code and build it myself.
* The wiki page recommends creating the installation directory with
0777 permissions. That seems a bit too insecure? Why does it need
world-wide write permissions? (i.e. "sudo mkdir -m=777 /var/lib/bashj/
# create the installation directory")
* What's the motivation behind bashj? I'm having trouble
understanding why one would like to use a mixture of Java and bash in
the same program, when there are options like Jython and Groovy to run
dynamic scripting languages in the JVM. Are you using bashj for a
particular application for which Groovy wasn't apt?
* Since I haven't run the code (for reasons explained above): How do
you handle things like the program's current working directory, the
environment, subshells, controlling terminal, etc. when everything
seems to run in the same JVM server process?