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Re: bash doesn't display tabs for tabs -- ignores tabstops.
From: |
Linda Walsh |
Subject: |
Re: bash doesn't display tabs for tabs -- ignores tabstops. |
Date: |
Wed, 15 May 2013 12:40:32 -0700 |
User-agent: |
Thunderbird |
Eduardo Bustamante wrote:
> The cool thing about free software is that you're free to submit
> patches. Please consider that option, instead of ranting on what Chet
> should do.
Ranting? Chet seemed to indicate he wouldn't accept a patch. If, OTOH,
he left that open... then, you are right. I can decide.
FWIW, attached is latest revision of tty_tab that will set
tabstops to a different tabstop and w/o args will tell you current tab
Currently it will display variable tabs, but doesn't have the ablity
to set variable tabs.
Also, FWIW, some people commented on someone's bash programming style
in an earlier post. I would say this typifies what I would consider
to be good style for bash -- it uses the features of bash to make
some things easier; I can't say my coding styles are 'fixed'...
I often change them to see if things look or work better.
Main changes --
setting tabs for terms not sized at 80 columns and showing
a minimal line to reproduce the current settings.
#!/bin/bash -u
#console_codes(4) man page... vt100/2 et && EMCA-48 standard
shopt -s expand_aliases extglob
alias int='declare -i'
alias sub='function'
alias array='declare -a'
alias intArray='declare -ia'
alias P=printf
P -v clrallts "\x1b[3g"
P -v sts "\033H"
P -v cr "\013"
P -v cpr "\x1b[6n"
sub getcols() {
local sttyout="$(stty size </dev/tty)"
int default_cols=80
if [[ -n ${COLUMNS:-""} && $COLUMNS =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
default_cols=$COLUMNS; fi
if [[ -z ${sttyout:-""} ]]; then
echo $default_cols; return 0;fi
int cols="${sttyout#*\ }"
echo $[cols<2?default_cols:cols]
return 0
sub getpos () {
local wanted=${1:-xy}
local ans x y
( (sleep .01 && echo -en "\x1b[6n" >/dev/tty) & 2>/dev/null )
read -sd R -r -t 2 ans </dev/tty;
declare ans=${ans:2}; x=${ans#*;}; y=${ans%;*} ;
declare -g out=""
[[ $wanted =~ x ]] && out="$x"
[[ $wanted =~ y ]] && out="${out:+$x }$y"
[[ $out ]] && echo "$out"
declare -iga tabs
sub get_tabs () {
P $cr
int pos=0 oldpos=0-1
while ((oldpos!=pos));do
((pos)) && tabs+=($pos)
P "\t"
pos=$(getpos x)
P "\r"
return 0
sub test_tabset_ability () {
int newcol=${#prompt}+1
echo -en "\r$prompt"
mycol=$(getpos x)
if [[ $mycol != $newcol ]]; then
P " Term tabset ability not detected (out=$out
P " promptlen=$newcol)\n"
) >&2
exit -1
sub do_help_n_display_curtabs () {
echo -en " <n> - set tab stop to N"
echo -en "\r"
intArray diffs;
int last=1
int cur i
local eol=""
get_tabs && {
for ((i=0; i<${#tabs[@]}; ++i)); do
intArray reverse_tabs_set=()
int prevtab=-1
for ((i=${#diffs[@]}-2; i>0; --i)); do
int thistab=${diffs[i]}
if ((thistab!= prevtab)) ;then
P "current value: tty_tab "
for ((i=${#reverse_tabs_set[@]}-1; i>=0; --i)); do
P "%d " "${reverse_tabs_set[i]}"
P "\r";
get_tabs && {
P "(from 1, tabs skip to column: "
P "%s " "${tabs[@]}"
P "\n"
sub set_tabs () {
int max_col=${1:-80} ## #columns on screen
int tabstop=${2:-"need a param for tabstop"}
int tab=$tabstop
int pos=0
P $clrallts ## reset old tabs
while ((++pos<cols)) ;do ## move across screen setting tabs
str+=" "
((pos%tab)) || str+="$sts"
#echo -e "\033c"
P "\r$str$cr"
P ""
int cols=$(getcols)
test_tabset_ability ## exits if no ability
if (($#==0)) ; then
exit 1
set_tabs "$cols" "$@"
# vim: ts=2