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Re: errexit does not exit script in subshells

From: Linda Walsh
Subject: Re: errexit does not exit script in subshells
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 11:56:16 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Michael Potter wrote:
Bash Bunch,

Not surprisingly, bash does not exit the script when an error is detected in
a subshell.

I am hopeful that someone has a solution to this (other than: be careful to
not use subshells).
This seems to work unless I'm missing something...


set -o errexit -o noclobber -o nounset -o pipefail

function traperr
   exit 1   # does not seem to affect the program.
   # return 1 # does not seem to affect the program.

set -o errtrace
trap traperr ERR

echo -n "Test one: "
pipesave=$(set +o |grep pipefail)
set +o pipefail
cat /etc/passwd |while read aLine; do
        # note: ending following 'test=' line with a "|true" will
        # stop failure from occurring or being detected, if this is
        # what you want..., if not, then set -o pipefile and it
        # will 'fail' if any are false.
        test=$(true | false | true |false)
test "$?" != 0 && exit 47
$pipesave       # set pipesave back to original value

echo -n "ONE Ok; Test two: "

while read aLine; do
   test=$(true | false | true |false);
done </etc/passwd

echo "TWO"

test=$(true | false | true |false);

echo "END"

exit 0

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