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bug#70811: ConTeXt-mode-cleanup clobbers my paragraph-start

From: Ikumi Keita
Subject: bug#70811: ConTeXt-mode-cleanup clobbers my paragraph-start
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 00:34:11 +0900

Hi Jim,

>>>>> Jim <zlists+auctex@jdvb.ca> writes:
> Thank you very much for spending some time on this.  I tried it on this
> section of code

> \startitemize[yadda]
> \item sslkdslkd lskdlskdls slkd slkdslk
> sldk sldkl
> lkslks d sldsldk s sldksldk slkdsldksd sldsldk s sldksldk slkdsldksd
> sldsldk s sldksldk slkdsldksd
> \item sldsldk s sldksldk slkdsldksd
> \item fill this paragraph right here
> fill this paragraph right here fill this paragraph right here
> fill this paragraph right here
> \stopitemize

> and if I run fill-paragraph on the last item, I get

> ...
> \item fill this paragraph right here fill this paragraph right here fill
>   this paragraph right here fill this paragraph right here \stopitemize

> (i.e., the \stopitemize has become "part of" the "\item" paragraph).  I
> won't try to imagine what other ConTeXt users want, but I don't like this.

Thanks for your report. I'm sorry, I was wrong at altering regexp
generation code. Can you try the attached patch? (Undo the last patch
and apply the attached patch to the fresh source, please.)

> I wonder if the default definition should (could?) somehow capture all
> of them.

I expect the revised patch fills that bill.

> Given that the (interactive) customization doesn't want the leading
> '\',

Do you mean that `ConTeXt-paragraph-commands' doesn't include the
leading backslash? Then it isn't specific to interactive customization.
It is desgined after LaTeX counterpart, which also doesn't include the
leading backslash.

> is there any way to add that to paragraph-start with the code you
> recently added?

You can use
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
  (lambda ()
     (add-hook 'find-file-hook
        (lambda ()
           (setq paragraph-start "abc")) <-- Set whatever you like
        nil t)))
in your init file if you really need, but I'd like you to try the patch
below first.

Ikumi Keita
#StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine
#Gaza #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW

Attachment: 0001-Improve-paragraph-commands-management-for-ConTeXt-mo.patch
Description: revised patch

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