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bug#41564: Auctex on elpa, dated may 24th 2020 is broken

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: bug#41564: Auctex on elpa, dated may 24th 2020 is broken
Date: Fri, 29 May 2020 18:21:20 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Marco Falconi <marco.falconi@uniroma3.it> writes:

Hi Marco,

> Yes I have this function in my .emacs (since very long time, I forgot
> about that, I probably copied it from some source).
> The full functions are as pasted below. Can you give me some hint on
> how shall I modify them?

Well, what those functions did was fontifying the contents of all
theorem and lemma environments in font-latex-doctex-documentation-face,
i.e., stuff like

    I am fontified in font-latex-doctex-documentation-face.

You can create such environments with the ntheorem package, i.e.,


but it is a user's choice to name the environments theorem or lemma
(though possibly you are using that convention).

FWIW, I'd suggest to remove this customization entirely and check if it
is allright for you to have theorem/lemma bodies fontified normally.

If you feel like something deeply loved is missing then, I can rewrite
your code to match the new font-latex business.


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