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Re: A curious bug...

From: Emmanuel Charpentier
Subject: Re: A curious bug...
Date: Mon, 29 May 2023 19:42:30 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4-2

Le lundi 29 mai 2023 à 18:07 +0200, Dr. Jürgen Sauermann a écrit :


the make distclean may overwrite some Makefile.in files
which are shipped with GNU APL.

Normally your ./configure below (without distclean)
in a fresh (yours is now broken) svn co should do it.
what you want.

Done. Not fun...

Now trying in emacs's gnu-apl :

This is the gnu-apl-mode interactive buffer.

To toggle keyboard help, call M-x gnu-apl-show-keyboard (C-c C-k by default).
APL symbols are bound to the standard keys with the Super key. You can also
activate the APL-Z input method (M-x toggle-input-method or C-\) which
allows you to input APL symbols by prefixing the key with a "." (period).

There are several customisation options that can be set.
Click the link or run M-x customize-group RET gnu-apl to set up.

To disable this message, set gnu-apl-show-tips-on-start to nil.

Network listener started. Connection information: mode:tcp addr:33853

                    ______ _   __ __  __    ___     ____   __ 
                   / ____// | / // / / /   /   |   / __ \ / / 
                  / / __ /  |/ // / / /   / /| |  / /_/ // /  
                 / /_/ // /|  // /_/ /   / ___ | / ____// /___
                 \____//_/ |_/ \____/   /_/  |_|/_/    /_____/

                  Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / SVN: 1699M

                 Copyright © 2008-2023  Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
                       Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org

                This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
                  for details run: /usr/local/bin/apl --gpl.

     This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
         according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.

      Illegal : in immediate execution+
      ]log 6
    Logging facility 6:  ...    tokenization                 is now ON 
      ∇ Z ← L foo R

gnu-apl opens a window called *gnu-apl edit function* with my header. I fill it ; resulting buffer :

∇Z ← L foo R
  Z ← L + R

Typing this seems normal : I typed the second line in column 1, emacs indented it in col 3 and moves the cursor to the tird line in line 3, column 3, where I type ; the following "Return" makes emacs move the closing to column 1 and the cursor to line 4 column 1.

That's where I type C-c C-c ; which prompts emacs to type

      tokenize: input[13] is: «Z ← L foo R»
  tokenize(13 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «Z»] Z ← L foo R
tokenize_symbol() : 13
  tokenize(12 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  ← L foo R
  tokenize(11 chars) sees [tag TOK_VOID «\342»] ← L foo R
Unknown APL character: \342 (U+FFFFFFE2)

in the *gnu-apl buffer.

Correcting the *gnu-apl edit function* buffer to :

∇Z←L foo R

and typing C-c C-c gets me :

tokenize: input[11] is: «Z←L foo R»
  tokenize(11 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «Z»] Z←L foo R
tokenize_symbol() : 11
  tokenize(10 chars) sees [tag TOK_VOID «\342»] ←L foo R
Unknown APL character: \342 (U+FFFFFFE2)

This is where I throw the towel and kills the *gnu-apl buffer. emacs prompts me to kill the interpreter, which I approve.

Restarting, I open gnu-apl in one frame and a temporary *AplTmp* buffer in another frame, where I type :

⍝ test buffer
∇ Z ← L foo R
  Z ← L + R

During this edition, emacs reacts exactly as it did in the del-editor buffer of the first trial.

Typing C-c C-l (= gnu-apl-interactive-send-buffer) gets me :

      tokenize: input[2] is: «⊣⍬»
  tokenize(2 chars) sees [tag TOK_F2_LEFT «⊣»] ⊣⍬
  tokenize(1 chars) sees [tag TOK_F0_ZILDE «⍬»] ⍬
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[2] is: ⊣ VALUE1«≡⊏0⊐»
tokenize: input[11] is: «Z ← L foo R»
  tokenize(11 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «Z»] Z ← L foo R
tokenize_symbol() : 11
  tokenize(10 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  ← L foo R
  tokenize(9 chars) sees [tag TOK_ASSIGN «←»] ← L foo R
  tokenize(8 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  L foo R
  tokenize(7 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «L»] L foo R
tokenize_symbol() : 7
  tokenize(6 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  foo R
  tokenize(5 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «f»] foo R
tokenize_symbol() : 5
  tokenize(2 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  R
  tokenize(1 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «R»] R
tokenize_symbol() : 1
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[5] is: 'Z ← 'L 'foo 'R
tokenize: input[0] is: «»
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[0] is:
tokenize: input[11] is: «  Z ← L + R»
  tokenize(11 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]   Z ← L + R
  tokenize(10 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  Z ← L + R
  tokenize(9 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «Z»] Z ← L + R
tokenize_symbol() : 9
  tokenize(8 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  ← L + R
  tokenize(7 chars) sees [tag TOK_ASSIGN «←»] ← L + R
  tokenize(6 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  L + R
  tokenize(5 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «L»] L + R
tokenize_symbol() : 5
  tokenize(4 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  + R
  tokenize(3 chars) sees [tag TOK_F12_PLUS «+»] + R
tokenize_function(+ R)
  tokenize(2 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  R
  tokenize(1 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «R»] R
tokenize_symbol() : 1
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[5] is: 'Z ← 'L + 'R
tokenize: input[11] is: «Z ← L foo R»
  tokenize(11 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «Z»] Z ← L foo R
tokenize_symbol() : 11
  tokenize(10 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  ← L foo R
  tokenize(9 chars) sees [tag TOK_ASSIGN «←»] ← L foo R
  tokenize(8 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  L foo R
  tokenize(7 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «L»] L foo R
tokenize_symbol() : 7
  tokenize(6 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  foo R
  tokenize(5 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «f»] foo R
tokenize_symbol() : 5
  tokenize(2 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  R
  tokenize(1 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «R»] R
tokenize_symbol() : 1
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[5] is: 'Z ← 'L 'foo 'R
tokenize: input[0] is: «»
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[0] is:
tokenize: input[11] is: «  Z ← L + R»
  tokenize(11 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]   Z ← L + R
  tokenize(10 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  Z ← L + R
  tokenize(9 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «Z»] Z ← L + R
tokenize_symbol() : 9
  tokenize(8 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  ← L + R
  tokenize(7 chars) sees [tag TOK_ASSIGN «←»] ← L + R
  tokenize(6 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  L + R
  tokenize(5 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «L»] L + R
tokenize_symbol() : 5
  tokenize(4 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  + R
  tokenize(3 chars) sees [tag TOK_F12_PLUS «+»] + R
tokenize_function(+ R)
  tokenize(2 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  R
  tokenize(1 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «R»] R
tokenize_symbol() : 1
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[5] is: 'Z ← 'L + 'R
tokenize: input[11] is: «  Z ← L + R»
  tokenize(11 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]   Z ← L + R
  tokenize(10 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  Z ← L + R
  tokenize(9 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «Z»] Z ← L + R
tokenize_symbol() : 9
  tokenize(8 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  ← L + R
  tokenize(7 chars) sees [tag TOK_ASSIGN «←»] ← L + R
  tokenize(6 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  L + R
  tokenize(5 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «L»] L + R
tokenize_symbol() : 5
  tokenize(4 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  + R
  tokenize(3 chars) sees [tag TOK_F12_PLUS «+»] + R
tokenize_function(+ R)
  tokenize(2 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  R
  tokenize(1 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «R»] R
tokenize_symbol() : 1
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[5] is: 'Z ← 'L + 'R
tokenize: input[11] is: «  Z ← L + R»
  tokenize(11 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]   Z ← L + R
  tokenize(10 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  Z ← L + R
  tokenize(9 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «Z»] Z ← L + R
tokenize_symbol() : 9
  tokenize(8 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  ← L + R
  tokenize(7 chars) sees [tag TOK_ASSIGN «←»] ← L + R
  tokenize(6 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  L + R
  tokenize(5 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «L»] L + R
tokenize_symbol() : 5
  tokenize(4 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  + R
  tokenize(3 chars) sees [tag TOK_F12_PLUS «+»] + R
tokenize_function(+ R)
  tokenize(2 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  R
  tokenize(1 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «R»] R
tokenize_symbol() : 1
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[5] is: 'Z ← 'L + 'R
         └── tos[5] is: 'Z ← 'L + 'R

The cursor is still immediately after the end of the last line. Typing a "Return" to get the prompt dets me :

tokenize: input[27] is: «└── tos[5] is: 'Z ← 'L + 'R»
  tokenize(27 chars) sees [tag TOK_END «└»] └── tos[5] is: 'Z ← 'L + ...

Testing the function :

      2 foo 3
tokenize: input[7] is: «2 foo 3»
  tokenize(7 chars) sees [tag TOK_NUMERIC «2»] 2 foo 3
tokenize_number(2 foo 3)
int_digits.size():   '1' at Tokenizer.cc:951
int_digits:          '2' at Tokenizer.cc:952
fract_digits:        '' at Tokenizer.cc:953
expo_digits:         '' at Tokenizer.cc:954
  tokenize_number: integer 2
  tokenize(6 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  foo 3
  tokenize(5 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «f»] foo 3
tokenize_symbol() : 5
  tokenize(2 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »]  3
  tokenize(1 chars) sees [tag TOK_NUMERIC «3»] 3
int_digits.size():   '1' at Tokenizer.cc:951
int_digits:          '3' at Tokenizer.cc:952
fract_digits:        '' at Tokenizer.cc:953
expo_digits:         '' at Tokenizer.cc:954
  tokenize_number: integer 3
tokenize() done (no error).
   └── tos[3] is: INTEGER 'foo INTEGER

shows that the function has been correctly interpreted and created.

Best Regards,

As usual, logs attached.


Emmanuel Charpentier

[ Snip... ]

Attachment: compilation.log
Description: Text Data

Attachment: config.log
Description: Text Data

Attachment: configuration.log
Description: Text Data

Attachment: makeInstall.log
Description: Text Data

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