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APL X11 font recommendation

From: Alexander Shendi (Web.DE)
Subject: APL X11 font recommendation
Date: Fri, 01 May 2020 19:04:35 +0200
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Hi all,

I am now shopping for an APL font to use with X11R7 on NetBSD 9. I have already tried the stuff from APL385.com. The procedure was as follows:
1. Copy the font files into /usr/pkg/share/fonts/X11/TTF/.
2. Execute "/usr/X11R7/bin/mkfontscale"
3. Execute "/usr/X11R7/bin/mkfontdir"
4. Execute "xset +fp /usr/pkg/share/fonts/X11/TTF"
5. Execute "xset fp rehash"
6. Check with xlsfonts that the APL fonts are available.
7. Set the locale to UTF-8 by setting LC_ALL and LANG to "en_US. UTF-8".

If there is anything wrong with this, please let me know.

I do have the fonts available, but the end result look horrible and does not display all APL chars.

So I either need another font or I am doing something wrong.

TIA. It is appreciated.

Best Regards,
-- Alexander

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