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[PATCH 7/8] translate bison's own tokens

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: [PATCH 7/8] translate bison's own tokens
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 17:30:26 +0100

As a test case, support translations in Bison itself.

* #: .
* #: .
 src/parse-gram.y | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 tests/   |  8 +++---
 2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/parse-gram.y b/src/parse-gram.y
index f99cb052..24975d67 100644
--- a/src/parse-gram.y
+++ b/src/parse-gram.y
@@ -117,32 +117,27 @@
   boundary_set (&@$.end, current_file, 1, 1);
-/* Define the tokens together with their human representation.  */
-%token GRAM_EOF 0 "end of file"
-%token STRING     "string"
-       TSTRING    "translatable string"
-%token PERCENT_TOKEN       "%token"
-%token PERCENT_NTERM       "%nterm"
+  GRAM_EOF 0          _("end of file")
+  STRING              _("string")
+  TSTRING             _("translatable string")
-%token PERCENT_TYPE        "%type"
-%token PERCENT_DESTRUCTOR  "%destructor"
-%token PERCENT_PRINTER     "%printer"
+  PERCENT_TOKEN       "%token"
+  PERCENT_NTERM       "%nterm"
-%token PERCENT_LEFT        "%left"
-%token PERCENT_RIGHT       "%right"
-%token PERCENT_NONASSOC    "%nonassoc"
-%token PERCENT_PRECEDENCE  "%precedence"
+  PERCENT_TYPE        "%type"
+  PERCENT_DESTRUCTOR  "%destructor"
+  PERCENT_PRINTER     "%printer"
-%token PERCENT_PREC          "%prec"
-%token PERCENT_DPREC         "%dprec"
-%token PERCENT_MERGE         "%merge"
+  PERCENT_LEFT        "%left"
+  PERCENT_RIGHT       "%right"
+  PERCENT_NONASSOC    "%nonassoc"
+  PERCENT_PRECEDENCE  "%precedence"
-| Global Declarations.  |
+  PERCENT_PREC        "%prec"
+  PERCENT_DPREC       "%dprec"
+  PERCENT_MERGE       "%merge"
   PERCENT_CODE            "%code"
   PERCENT_DEFAULT_PREC    "%default-prec"
   PERCENT_DEFINE          "%define"
@@ -166,23 +161,22 @@
   PERCENT_TOKEN_TABLE     "%token-table"
   PERCENT_VERBOSE         "%verbose"
   PERCENT_YACC            "%yacc"
-%token BRACED_CODE     "{...}"
-%token BRACED_PREDICATE "%?{...}"
-%token BRACKETED_ID    "[identifier]"
-%token CHAR            "char"
-%token EPILOGUE        "epilogue"
-%token EQUAL           "="
-%token ID              "identifier"
-%token ID_COLON        "identifier:"
-%token PERCENT_PERCENT "%%"
-%token PIPE            "|"
-%token PROLOGUE        "%{...%}"
-%token SEMICOLON       ";"
-%token TAG             "<tag>"
-%token TAG_ANY         "<*>"
-%token TAG_NONE        "<>"
+  BRACED_CODE       "{...}"
+  BRACED_PREDICATE  "%?{...}"
+  BRACKETED_ID      _("[identifier]")
+  CHAR              _("character literal")
+  EPILOGUE          _("epilogue")
+  EQUAL             "="
+  ID                _("identifier")
+  ID_COLON          _("identifier:")
+  PIPE              "|"
+  PROLOGUE          "%{...%}"
+  SEMICOLON         ";"
+  TAG               _("<tag>")
+  TAG_ANY           "<*>"
+  TAG_NONE          "<>"
 %type <unsigned char> CHAR
 %printer { fputs (char_name ($$), yyo); } <unsigned char>
@@ -198,7 +192,7 @@
 %printer { fprintf (yyo, "%%%s", $$); } PERCENT_FLAG
 %printer { fprintf (yyo, "<%s>", $$); } TAG tag
-%token <int> INT "integer"
+%token <int> INT _("integer literal")
 %printer { fprintf (yyo, "%d", $$); } <int>
 %type <symbol*> id id_colon string_as_id symbol token_decl token_decl_for_prec
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d8e9ee33..6e837e97 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -232,16 +232,16 @@ input.y:3.17-24: error: nonterminals cannot be given a 
string alias
 input.y:4.8-10: error: character literals cannot be nonterminals
  %nterm '+' '*';
-input.y:5.8-15: error: syntax error, unexpected string, expecting char or 
identifier or <tag>
+input.y:5.8-15: error: syntax error, unexpected string, expecting character 
literal or identifier or <tag>
  %nterm "number";
-input.y:6.8-13: error: syntax error, unexpected string, expecting char or 
identifier or <tag>
+input.y:6.8-13: error: syntax error, unexpected string, expecting character 
literal or identifier or <tag>
  %token "tok1" 1;
-input.y:7.14: error: syntax error, unexpected integer
+input.y:7.14: error: syntax error, unexpected integer literal
  %left "tok2" 2;
-input.y:8.14: error: syntax error, unexpected integer
+input.y:8.14: error: syntax error, unexpected integer literal
  %type "tok3" 3;

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