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master: skeletons: simplify the protections against "unused" warnings

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: master: skeletons: simplify the protections against "unused" warnings
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 15:04:26 +0100

This was prompted by warnings I had in a C++ parser.
The code was too hairy.  For a while I had considered
changing the !YYDEBUG definition of YY_SYMBOL_PRINT
so that it would YYUSE all the arguments, instead of
just throwing them anyway – this allowed the removal
of a couple of YYUSE.  But I preferred this solution,
just in case someone would pass one day a complex
expression to YY_SYMBOL_PRINT and expect it to be
truly discarded when !YYDEBUG.

Attachment: 0002-skeletons-simplify-the-protections-against-unused-wa.patch
Description: Binary data

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