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Re: [PATCH] Use variants to support objects as semantic values.

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Use variants to support objects as semantic values.
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 09:26:54 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080914)

> I used "%define variants" for lack of a more intelligent name.  Joel,
> you might have an opinion about this.  Maybe api.type.variants?

Maybe stype.variants?  It does not need to affect the API, because you
can use a wrapper around the union if variants are not used, so that the
as<> API works in both cases:

#include <cassert>

union u {
  char a;
  int b;

template<class U>
class union_variant {
  U data;
  template <typename T> T& as() {
    return reinterpret_cast<T&>(data);
  template <typename T> const T& as() const {
    return reinterpret_cast<const T&>(data);
  operator U&() { return data; }
  operator const U&() const { return data; }

int main()
  union_variant<union u> v;
  union u& test = v;
  test.a = 10;
  assert (<char>() == 10);

The Bison parser would use a stack of union_variant<stype>'s and export
that as parser::semantic_type, but the parser::YYSTYPE would be a union.
for backwards-compatibility.  In other words:

- parser::semantic_type is always accessed with as<>

- parser::YYSTYPE is not defined at all for variants, and is a union

In the medium term variants could be made the default, but in the
meanwhile there would be a way to write parsers that work both for
unions and for variants.  What do you think?

> I just say that the java skeleton now uses %define stype, which is
> correlated.  I regret that the names were not discussed first, now we
> face a lack of structure, although Joel had been careful up to now to
> propose something consistent.

"%define stype" goes with "#define YYSTYPE" in C/C++; it was introduced
before dotted names were introduced for %defines.  Note that it is in
principle possible to move from "#define YYXYZ" to "%define xyz" for
this and other preprocessor macros in the C/C++ skeletons.


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