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Re: [PATCH] more on prologue alternatives

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [PATCH] more on prologue alternatives
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 09:12:56 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20060909)

1. %code{...} is the most common place for parser implementation code. In C/C++, it goes in the code file. In Java, it goes in the parser class.

2. %requires{...} is a place to put dependency code for externally exposed definitions required by Bison. In C/C++, it's for dependencies of YYSTYPE and YYLTYPE. In Java, it's for import directives.

3. %provides{...} is a place for additional externally exposed definitions. In C/C++, it goes at the bottom of the header file so that it can depend on YYSTYPE, YYLTYPE, and yytokentype. In Java, I suppose it could be used to define other package-visible classes in the same java file.
This would be completely ok. For Java, %provides and the epilogue would be synonyms.


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