# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#import libraries
import subprocess
import string, urllib
import sys
import re
import os
BASE_RESOURCE_PATH = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "resources" )
sys.path.append( os.path.join( BASE_RESOURCE_PATH, "lib" ) )
import pLog, connection
_log = pLog.pLog()
class StereoscopicPlayer:
def __init__(self):
_log.info('Starting') address@hidden
self.conn = connection.Connection()
def player3D(self, appMovie, formStreamInput, formStreamOutput, movie, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax):
numAudio = str(self.getAudioLanguage(mediaTab, audio))
numSubtitle = str(self.getSubtitleLanguage(mediaTab, subtitle))
lircfile = os.getenv("HOME") + '/.lircrc'
opt = ''
lircOpt = ''
if formStreamOutput == 'even-odd-rows':
opt = '-S'
if os.path.isfile(lircfile):
lircOpt = '--lirc-config=' + lircfile
appRun = appMovie + ' --input=' + formStreamInput + ' ' + movie + ' --output=' + formStreamOutput + ' --audio=' + numAudio + ' --subtitle=' + numSubtitle + ' --subtitle-size=' + subSize + ' --subtitle-encoding=' + subCode + ' --subtitle-color=' + subColor + ' --subtitle-parallax=' + subParallax + ' ' + lircOpt + ' -f ' + opt + ' -n'
_log.info('Starting command: ' + appRun)
subprocess.call(appRun, shell=True)
except OSError, e:
#ekg.printf(subprocess.sys.stderr, "BÅÄ
d wykonania:", e)
return 1
def player3D2files(self, appMovie, formStreamOutput, movieL, movieR, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax):
numAudio = str(self.getAudioLanguage(mediaTab, audio))
numSubtitle = str(self.getSubtitleLanguage(mediaTab, subtitle))
lircfile = os.getenv("HOME") + '/.lircrc'
lircOpt = ''
if os.path.isfile(lircfile):
lircOpt = '--lirc-config=' + lircfile
appRun = appMovie + ' --input=separate-left-right ' + movieL + ' ' + movieR + ' --output=' + formStreamOutput + ' --audio=' + numAudio + ' --subtitle=' + numSubtitle + ' --subtitle-size=' + subSize + ' --subtitle-encoding=' + subCode + ' --subtitle-color=' + subColor + ' --subtitle-parallax=' + subParallax + ' ' + lircOpt + ' -f -n'
subprocess.call(appRun, shell=True)
except OSError, e:
#ekg.printf(subprocess.sys.stderr, "BÅÄ
d wykonania:", e)
return 1
def mediaInfo(self, appMediaInfo, movie):
tab = []
if movie != '':
appRun = appMediaInfo + ' -vo null -ao null -identify -frames 0 ' + movie
p = subprocess.Popen(appRun, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
line = p.stdout.readline()
if line == '':
#if line == '' and p.poll() != None:
# break
if 'ID_' in line:
return tab
except OSError, e:
#ekg.printf(subprocess.sys.stderr, "BÅÄ
d wykonania:", e)
return 1
def getWidth(self, table):
width = '0'
for line in table:
if "ID_VIDEO_WIDTH" in line:
a = line.split("=")
width = a[1]
return width
def getHeight(self, table):
height = '0'
for line in table:
if "ID_VIDEO_HEIGHT" in line:
a = line.split("=")
height = a[1]
return height
def isLeftEye(self, movie):
matchEye = re.match(r'^.*([Ll][Ee][Ff][Tt]).*$', movie, re.M|re.I)
if matchEye:
return True
return False
def isRightEye(self, movie):
matchEye = re.match(r'^.*([Rr][Ii][Gg][Hh][Tt]).*$', movie, re.M|re.I)
if matchEye:
return True
return False
def movieDir(self, movie):
outDir = ''
tab = movie.split('/')
if len(tab) > 0:
ntab = len(tab) - 1
for i in range(ntab):
outDir += tab[i] + '/'
outDir = outDir.replace('"', '')
return outDir
def getEyeName(self, eye, movie):
out = ''
if self.conn.isHTTPConnect(movie):
readTab = []
http1 = ''
http2 = ''
httpPath = ''
expr = re.match(r'^\"(http://.*?)(/.*)\"$', movie, re.M|re.I)
if expr:
http1 = expr.group(1)
http2 = expr.group(2)
fTab = http2.split('/')
if len(fTab) > 1:
p = len(fTab) - 1
pp = ''
for i in range(p):
if i == 0:
pp = '/' + str(fTab[i])
pp = pp + str(fTab[i]) + '/'
httpPath = http1 + pp
httpPath = http1
listHTTP = urllib.urlopen(httpPath)
readHTML = listHTTP.read()
readTab = readHTML.split('\n')
except IOError, e:
return 1
if eye == 'left':
for line in readTab:
expr = re.match(r'^.*.*?.*$', line, re.M|re.I)
if expr:
out = '"' + httpPath + expr.group(1) + '"'
elif eye == 'right':
for line in readTab:
expr = re.match(r'^.*.*?.*$', line, re.M|re.I)
if expr:
out = '"' + httpPath + expr.group(1) + '"'
listTable = os.listdir(self.movieDir(movie))
for fname in listTable:
expr = ''
if eye == 'left':
expr = re.match(r'^.*([Ll][Ee][Ff][Tt]).*$', fname, re.M|re.I)
elif eye == 'right':
expr = re.match(r'^.*([Rr][Ii][Gg][Hh][Tt]).*$', fname, re.M|re.I)
if expr:
if expr.group(1) in fname:
out = '"' + self.movieDir(movie) + fname + '"'
return str(out)
def isStereo(self, table):
videos = []
for line in table:
if 'ID_VIDEO_ID' in line:
if len(videos) > 1:
return True
def getEyeFirst(self, table):
inputForm = 'separate-left-right'
eye = []
for line in table:
if 'ID_VID_' in line:
#expr = re.match(r'^.*([Ll][Ee][Ff][Tt]).*$', line, re.M|re.I)
#if expr:
# inputForm = 'separate-left-right'
# break
#expr = re.match(r'^.*([Rr][Ii][Gg][Hh][Tt]).*$', line, re.M|re.I)
#if expr:
# inputForm = 'separate-right-left'
# break
exprL = re.match(r'^.*([Ll][Ee][Ff][Tt]).*$', str(eye[0]), re.M|re.I)
exprR = re.match(r'^.*([Rr][Ii][Gg][Hh][Tt]).*$', str(eye[0]), re.M|re.I)
if exprL:
inputForm = 'separate-left-right'
#_log.info('Set separate: left-right')
elif exprR:
inputForm = 'separate-right-left'
#_log.info('Set separate: right-left')
return inputForm
def getAudioLanguage(self, table, lang):
language = 1
numLang = []
for line in table:
if 'ID_AUDIO_ID' in line:
for i in range(len(numLang)):
for line in table:
if 'ID_AID_' + str(i) + '_LANG' in line:
lineTab = line.split('=')
llang = lineTab[1].split("\n")
#_log.info('Language: ' + line + ', ' + llang[0] + ', ' + str(lang.find(llang[0])))
if lang.rfind(llang[0]) == 0:
#_log.info('Language2: ' + line + ', ' + lineTab[1] + '=' + lang)
language = i + 1
return language
def getSubtitleLanguage(self, table, lang):
language = 0
numLang = []
_log.info('lang: ' + lang)
for line in table:
if 'ID_SUBTITLE_ID' in line:
for i in range(len(numLang)):
for line in table:
if 'ID_SID_' + str(i) + '_LANG' in line:
lineTab = line.split('=')
llang = lineTab[1].split("\n")
#_log.info('Language: ' + line + ', ' + llang[0] + ', ' + str(lang.find(llang[0])))
if lang.rfind(llang[0]) == 0:
#_log.info('Language2: ' + line + ', ' + lineTab[1] + '=' + lang)
language = i + 1
return language
def getOutputFormat(self, output):
out = ''
if output == '2D left':
out = 'mono-left'
elif output == '2D right':
out = 'mono-right'
elif output == '2D equalizer':
out = 'equalizer'
elif output == '3D equalizer':
out = 'equalizer-3d'
elif output == '3D OpenGL':
out = 'stereo'
elif output == '3D Over/Under':
out = 'top-bottom'
elif output == '3D HALF Over/Under':
out = 'top-bottom-half'
elif output == '3D Side-By-Side':
out = 'left-right'
elif output == '3D HALF Side-By-Side':
out = 'left-right-half'
elif output == '3D rows':
out = 'even-odd-rows'
elif output == '3D columns':
out = 'even-odd-columns'
elif output == '3D checkerboard':
out = 'checkerboard'
elif output == 'Red-Cyan mono':
out = 'red-cyan-monochrome'
elif output == 'Red-Cyan half color':
out = 'red-cyan-half-color'
elif output == 'Red-Cyan color':
out = 'red-cyan-full-color'
elif output == 'Red-Cyan dubois':
out = 'red-cyan-dubois'
elif output == 'Green-Magenta mono':
out = 'green-magenta-monochrome'
elif output == 'Green-Magenta half color':
out = 'green-magenta-half-color'
elif output == 'Green-Magenta color':
out = 'green-magenta-full-color'
elif output == 'Green-Magenta dubois':
out = 'green-magenta-dubois'
elif output == 'Amber-Blue mono':
out = 'amber-blue-monochrome'
elif output == 'Amber-Blue half color':
out = 'amber-blue-half-color'
elif output == 'Amber-Blue color':
out = 'amber-blue-full-color'
elif output == 'Amber-Blue dubois':
out = 'amber-blue-dubois'
elif output == 'HDMI pack':
out = 'hdmi-frame-pack'
elif output == 'Red-Green mono':
out = 'red-green-monochrome'
elif output == 'Red-Blue mono':
out = 'red-blue-monochrome'
return out
def getInputFormat(self, inn):
out = 'mono'
if inn == '2D mono':
out = 'mono'
elif inn == '3D Over/Under':
out = 'top-bottom'
elif inn == '3D HALF Over/Under':
out = 'top-bottom-half'
elif inn == '3D Side-By-Side':
out = 'left-right'
elif inn == '3D HALF Side-By-Side':
out = 'left-right-half'
elif inn == '3D rows':
out = 'even-odd-rows'
elif inn == '3D Dual Stream':
out = 'separate-left-right'
def checkFile(self, appMediaInfo, pathMovie):
inputVideo = ''
pathMovie = '"' + pathMovie + '"'
#start script
_log.info('Prepare to play 3D movie')
#load information of the movie
_log.info('Generating informations of 3D movie: ' + pathMovie)
global mediaTab
mediaTab = self.mediaInfo(appMediaInfo, pathMovie)
#width & height for side by side & over/under
_log.info('Checking if movie is side-by-side or over/under')
if float(self.getWidth(mediaTab)) > 0 and float(self.getHeight(mediaTab)) > 0:
dimension = float(self.getWidth(mediaTab))/float(self.getHeight(mediaTab))
if dimension >= 3:
inputVideo = 'left-right'
elif dimension < 1:
inputVideo = 'top-bottom'
#2 files [left, right] for 1 3D film
if self.isRightEye(pathMovie) or self.isLeftEye(pathMovie):
_log.info('Prepare to display movie from 2 files')
if self.isLeftEye(pathMovie):
#_log.info('Left eye')
left = pathMovie
right = self.getEyeName('right', pathMovie)
#_log.info('Right eye: ' + str(right))
inputVideo = 'separate-files;' + left + ';' + str(right)
elif self.isRightEye(pathMovie):
#_log.info('Right eye')
left = self.getEyeName('left', pathMovie)
right = pathMovie
inputVideo = 'separate-files;' + str(left) + ';' + right
#mkv dualstream
if self.isStereo(mediaTab):
inputVideo = 'internal-files;' + self.getEyeFirst(mediaTab)
return inputVideo
def playStereo(self, appMovie, formVideo, pathMovie, outputVideo, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax):
outputForm = self.getOutputFormat(outputVideo)
_log.info('Output video form is: ' + outputForm)
#check connection and mount smb if exist
_log.info('Checking connection to media stream')
IN = '"' + pathMovie + '"'
if formVideo == 'left-right':
self.player3D(appMovie, 'left-right', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
elif formVideo == 'top-bottom':
self.player3D(appMovie, 'top-bottom', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
elif formVideo == 'left-right-half':
self.player3D(appMovie, 'left-right-half', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
elif formVideo == 'top-bottom-half':
player3D(appMovie, 'top-bottom-half', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
elif 'separate-files;' in formVideo:
tab = formVideo.split(";")
left = tab[1]
right = tab[2]
self.player3D2files(appMovie, outputForm, left, right, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
elif 'internal-files;' in formVideo:
tab = formVideo.split(";")
self.player3D(appMovie, tab[1], outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
def playStereoUnknown(self, appMovie, pathMovie, inputVideo, outputVideo, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax):
#start script
_log.info('Prepare to play 3D movie')
outputForm = self.getOutputFormat(outputVideo)
_log.info('Output video form is: ' + outputForm)
#check connection and mount smb if exist
_log.info('Checking connection to media stream')
IN = '"' + pathMovie + '"'
if inputVideo == '2D mono':
self.player3D(appMovie, 'mono', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
if inputVideo == '3D rows':
self.player3D(appMovie, 'even-odd-rows', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
#width & height for side by side & over/under
_log.info('if movie is sbs or over/under play unknown. Input: ' + inputVideo)
if inputVideo == '3D Side-By-Side':
self.player3D(appMovie, 'left-right', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
elif inputVideo == '3D Over/Under':
self.player3D(appMovie, 'top-bottom', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
#side by side & over/under halfsbs
_log.info('if movie is half sbs or half over/under play unknown. Input: ' + inputVideo)
if inputVideo == '3D HALF Side-By-Side':
self.player3D(appMovie, 'left-right-half', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)
elif inputVideo == '3D HALF Over/Under':
player3D(appMovie, 'top-bottom-half', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle)
#mkv dualstream
_log.info('if movie is dual stream play unknown. Input: ' + inputVideo)
if inputVideo == '3D Dual Stream':
self.player3D(appMovie, 'separate-left-right', outputForm, IN, audio, subtitle, subSize, subCode, subColor, subParallax)