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Re: [Ayttm-devel] Re: [Ayttm-commits] CVS: ayttm/modules/msn2/libmsn2 ms

From: Edward L. Haletky
Subject: Re: [Ayttm-devel] Re: [Ayttm-commits] CVS: ayttm/modules/msn2/libmsn2 msn_bittybits.C,1.8,1.9
Date: 25 Mar 2003 07:34:48 -0600


No Problem Colin, I will rebuild and see if it works. However, there is
a coding issue that looks like a pretty major item to me.

In libproxy someone added code to an interface that resides in ayttm/src
instead of ayttm/libproxy. This interface is exposed via tcp_utils.[ch].
It is the ay_socket_new_async interface. I think that libproxy should
NOT depend upon AYTTM in order to work. 

THere are several reasons for this but the main one is that proxy is
proxy. AYTTM is AYTTM and I do not think that we want an AYTTM specific
routine in a library used for other purposes. In addition this really
does break a number of items when you have a lower level interface
dependent upon a higher level one.

Shall I fix this or somehow work around it as MINGW32 really dislikes a
lower level library calling the higher level one.


On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 07:11, Colin Leroy wrote:
> On 25 Mar 2003 at 07h51, Colin Leroy <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> > Modified Files:
> >     msn_bittybits.C 
> > Log Message:
> > fix MSN hanging with long messages
> I hope it's fine. It seems to work as well as before for short messages
> (logging in etc), doesn't hang for long messages and catches errors when
> tcpkill'ing the connections. 
> You're welcome to try and report problems, though.
> Edward, I tried not to fuck up your work, but didn't verified it (thanks
> Philip for catching my tyops ;-)) I hope it's ok too.

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