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Re: [Axiom-math] Writing packages

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: Re: [Axiom-math] Writing packages
Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 00:24:52 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060420)

Hello Fabio,

Let me be the bad guy... ;-)
(And what I write here is not meant personal, but more sort of a general remark.)

If you start writing a package you should immediately stop thinking in SPAD and use Aldor. And even more important you should neither write .spad nor .as but .as.pamphlet. Anything else is considered "old" style and will not survive the 30 year horizon.

Yes, yes. Everyone knows that this is a pain at first. But after your code starts getting more complex this pain becomes a relief. So how complex must your code be till you think to switch to a literate programming style? If you already start in a non-literate fashion, you will find it harder to switch later. So why not start with LP from the beginning???

---------------------- This is the function

R     ==> INT
F     ==> Fraction R
P     ==> Polynomial F

Use SparseUnivariatePolynomial.

M     ==> Matrix(F)

Why don't you use SquareMatrix? Does a minimal polynomial make sense for something non-square?

NNI   ==> NonNegativeInteger

minpoly: (M,Symbol) -> P
minpoly(m,x) ==
 dimm : NNI  := nrows m ++ dimension of m
 dimm ~= ncols m => error "The matrix is not square"
 minpol : P := 0
 dimm = 1 => return(minpol : P := x - m(1,1))
 powerm : Matrix INT  := new(dimm,dimm,0)               ++ powers of m
for i in 1..dimm repeat powerm(i,i) := 1 ++ firts power of m: m^0 = I eqtns : List Vector F := [[] for i in 1..dimm*dimm] ++ Matrix of coefficients
 ++ for i in 1..dimm solve the linear system
 ++ m^i+x_1*m^(i-1)*...*x_i=0
 ++ or, equivalently,
 ++ x_1*m^(i-1)*...*x_i=-m^i

I am surprised that the compiler will know to which symbol that ++ documentation is to be associated.

 for i in 1..dimm repeat
  for j in 1..dimm*dimm repeat
   ji := (j-1) quo dimm + 1
   jj := (j-1) rem dimm + 1
   eqtns(j) := append(eqtns(j),[powerm(ji,jj)])
  powerm := powerm*m
sols : List F := [] ++ Vector of solutions
  for j in 1..dimm repeat sols := append(sols,-1*row(powerm,j))
  coeffs := solve(eqtns,sols)
  if coeffs.particular case "failed" then iterate
  ++ The first time the system has a solution, it means that
  ++ we have a (monic) polynomial of least degree which is
  ++ 0 on m : then leave the loop i and reconstruct the polynomial
  ++ from the solution of the system.
 for j in 1..i repeat
  minpol := minpol+(coeffs.particular)(j)*x^((j-1)::NNI)
 minpol := minpol+x^i

Anyway, you have not told that the function is in an .input file and the domain in a .spad file. Now it should become quite clear to you that if two programs (the interpreter for .input and the SPAD compiler for .spad) handle your more or less identical code pieces, the semantics is not the same. The reason is that the interpreter tries hard to figure out what you could have meant. It is dangerous to rely on that guessing. In fact, that is more or less quite similar to programming without types. The spad compiler does not guess. So you have to be a bit more careful to get the types right yourself, ie, you have to be very explicit with coercing your objects to the right type.

Please start to use Aldor, after a while you'll recognise that the error messages help you to figure out which coerce you have to add. There is no way around. If you want to use Axiom for programming, then you MUST thing about the types of your objects. If you don't want to do this then AXIOM is not for you. Or I better should say, ...then you are bound to use .input files and never be able to write complex programs. It's simply up to you whether you want to take the pain of thinking also about the types. Believe me, after you are through the initial hard part, you'll love types.

Sorry, that I did not help you by pointing you exactly to the error. I would have to browse through hyperdoc myself, since I am not overly familiar with the Axiom library. But switching to Aldor would certainly help you.


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