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[Axiom-math] multivariate resultants

From: Tim Daly
Subject: [Axiom-math] multivariate resultants
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 13:12:16 -0400

I've been skimming Khetan's PhD thesis (formulas for resultants).
In it he shows how to find the resultants for 2 and 3 dimensions.
It appears there is a clever rewrite using a change of variables
which I don't quite understand. However, once that is done the
formulas seem rather straightforward to compute. I'm going to
try a few 2D trivial examples by hand and see what I get. It's
not quite what you want but it's a start.



I believe he was talking about

Efficient Incremental Algorithms for the Sparse Resultant and the Mixed Volume,
with J. Canny, JSC'95 (ps.gz, pdf). Prelim. conference version: Practical
Method for the Sparse Resultant, with J. Canny, ACM ISSAC'93 (ps.gz, pdf).

A Subdivision-Based Algorithm for the Sparse Resultant, with J.F. Canny,
J.ACM'00 (ps.gz, pdf). Initial AAECC conference version: An Efficient Algorithm
for the Sparse Mixed Resultant, with J. Canny (ps.gz, pdf).
Improved computation of determinants and resultants, with V. Pan: CASC (ps.gz),
full version (ps.gz).

which are all available online from

The algorithm of Khetan is described in

The resultant of an unmixed bivariate system Journal of Symbolic Computation
36, 425-442 PS , PDF

available online from

It seems to me that this one is less work, but I don't really know.


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