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cross-compiling avrdude for Windows on Ubuntu 18.04

From: Henry Markert
Subject: cross-compiling avrdude for Windows on Ubuntu 18.04
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2020 11:53:50 +0000


i've tried to (cross)-compile the current state of the repository. After some 
tries this was successful, under Linux as well as for Windows.

But some questions remain (at least for the moment):

I get the following summaries pre-compile:

Configuration summary:
DO HAVE    libelf
DO HAVE    libusb
DO HAVE    libusb_1_0
DO HAVE    libftdi1
DO HAVE    libftdi (but prefer to use libftdi1)
DON'T HAVE libhid
DO HAVE    libhidapi
DO HAVE    pthread
ENABLED    parport
DISABLED   linuxgpio

Configuration summary:
DO HAVE    libelf
DON'T HAVE libusb
DO HAVE    libusb_1_0
DO HAVE    libftdi1
DON'T HAVE libftdi
DON'T HAVE libhid
DO HAVE    libhidapi
DO HAVE    pthread
ENABLED    parport
DISABLED   linuxgpio

Question 1: Are these summaries what they need to be or should additional 
components be "DO HAVE" (especially libhid) ?

Question 2: After copying the resulting exe and conf file to the windows 
machine it requires certain dll files. I remember that the compiled binaries 
from http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avrdude/ did not. It is not a 
problem as the dll's are available but is there a way to link those libraries 
statically to the exe file ?

Question 3: Also more an interesting question than a real problem: the last 
compiled exe (avrdude-63-mingw32) is about 460 kBytes, mine is around 2600 
kBytes. Is this a hint for some error in compilation (none were shown) or is 
this ok ?

If there are some basic misconceptions showing through, it is the first piece 
of software I've cross compiled and compiled on a Linux system at all.


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