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[avrdude-dev] Translating pin numbers to names

From: Hannes Weisbach
Subject: [avrdude-dev] Translating pin numbers to names
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 21:23:09 +0200

Hello there,

I am (still) currently cleaning up avrftdi. As a part of that, I implemented 
better error/status messages, for example when configuring pins. Instead of 
some hexnumbers and bitmasks, the user now gets a textual description of what 
went wrong with which pin.
To do that, I want textual representations for the pins used by avrdude, 
defined in pindefs.h. Right now I am using an array containing string names, 
located in avrftdi.c. However, similar (but limited, i.e. not complete) 
functionality is implemented in avrpart.c:577, namely static char* 
Unfortunately, as the declaration says, this function is not in global scope.
So my question is if there is interest in adding such a function (turning pin 
number into string names) to avrdude and if so, in which file should it be 
placed best?
I volunteer to make the changes and submit a patch, if there is interest; 
otherwise I will keep my name translation local to avrftdi.c.

Best Regards,
Hannes Weisbach

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