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[avrdude-dev] [patch #6484] Software control for USBasp ISP speed

From: Jurgis Brigmanis
Subject: [avrdude-dev] [patch #6484] Software control for USBasp ISP speed
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 19:54:26 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Iceweasel/ (Debian-


                 Summary: Software control for USBasp ISP speed
                 Project: AVR Downloader/UploaDEr
            Submitted by: velko
            Submitted on: Sunday 03/30/2008 at 19:54
                Category: None
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



Patches for Avrdude and USBasp firmware, to add software control over ISP SCK
frequency from 1.5 MHz down to 500 Hz.

Patches are against latest released USBasp firmware version
(2007-10-23) and Avrdude's CVS version (as of 29.03.2008).

Bitclock period, specified using -B switch, is rounded 
to closest available frequency:
* less than 0.5 or none - default speed (jumper setting)
* 0.5 - 1.0 -> 1.5 MHz
* 1.0 - 2.0 -> 750 kHz
* 2.0 - 4.0 -> 375 kHz
* 4.0 - 8.0 -> 187.5 kHz
* 8.0 - 20.96 -> 93.75 kHz
* 20.96 - 46.88 -> 32 kHz
* 46.88 - 93.75 -> 16 kHz
* 93.75 - 187.5 -> 8 kHz
* 187.5 - 375.0 -> 4 kHz
* 375.0 - 750.0 -> 2 kHz
* 750.0 - 1500.0 -> 1 Khz
* more than 1500.0 -> 500 Hz

Doesn't break forward/backward avrdude/usbasp compability 
(at least I hope so ;)) - firmware just falls back to jumper setting.


File Attachments:

Date: Sunday 03/30/2008 at 19:54  Name: avrdude.diff  Size: 2kB   By: velko

Date: Sunday 03/30/2008 at 19:54  Name: usbasp.diff  Size: 4kB   By: velko



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