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Re: [avrdude-dev] Eratic Mega168 behavior?

From: Galen Seitz
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Eratic Mega168 behavior?
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 10:01:22 -0800

Bob Paddock <address@hidden> wrote:

> I fired up a old STK500 board on my Gentoo Linux box with
> a new, fresh from DigiKey, Mega168.  I am getting random
> signature and fuse read failures.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
> I did see the bug report about the unused efuse bits in the m168, but what
> I'm seeing is happening in the other fuses and signature as well.
> Clock to fast maybe?
>          SCK period      : 1.1 us

If the fuses are in the factory default state, then SCK is too fast.  The
mega168 is running at 1MHz (8 MHz internal osc with 1/8 prescaler).  SCK
frequency needs to be less than or equal to one quarter of the system
clock.  Try setting SCK period to 4.4 us.


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