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Re: [avrdude-dev] Eratic Mega168 behavior?

From: Bob Paddock
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Eratic Mega168 behavior?
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 07:41:39 -0500
User-agent: Opera M2/8.52 (Win32, build 7721)

On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 21:42:36 -0500, Colin O'Flynn <address@hidden> wrote:

Clock to fast maybe?

What about clock speeds - is the ISP speed set slow enough compared to the Mega168 speed?

No it was not, which I knew.  The problem was that the ISP was to fast,
but I could not figure out how to get AVRDUDE to let me slow it down.
Since the start up verification failed there seemed to be no way to get
into the terminal mode to issue the command to make it go
slower.  A Chick&Egg problem.  After upgrading I probably could have
used the -b bitclock parameter, but I did not really want to upgrade the
board, but in the end that is what I did.

My solution was to install AVRStudio on a Windows box,
upgrade the STK500 then slow down the ISP clock.  After
that everything worked fine when I went back to Linux.

I fired up a old STK500 board on my Gentoo Linux box

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