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Re: [avrdude-dev] Slight behaviour change of '-U' option - asking for co

From: Tymm
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Slight behaviour change of '-U' option - asking for comments
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 16:49:32 -0600 (MDT)

being someone who does the same thing as Brian... maybe an entry in the config file for "enable shortcut mode"?

for me... i generally prefer to have very short command lines... but i do think it is a good idea to have the "default" be more conservative. i appreciate the power of the new uploading commands, but hope the "deprecated" commands are still around in the current version (i'm running a little behind on updates) 'cuz i still use -e -i since it makes more intuitive sense and i don't have to think about the command too much.

On Wed, 15 Jun 2005, Galen Seitz wrote:

Brian Dean <address@hidden> wrote:


I find that I often subconsciously shorten the '-U' option for
uploading the flash to just the filename, i.e.:

     avrdude -p m128 -U myfile.hex

Of course, avrdude complains that it doesn't know how to parse that so
I then slap my forehead and type out what I really meant which is:

     avrdude -p m128 -U flash:w:myfile.hex

Since I do this so often it's not even funny, I conclude the former
must be "correct" and that's the way I should have implemented '-U' to
begin with.  So I was wondering if anyone would have any objection to
me making the first case above be accepted and default to writing the
flash memory when only a filename is specified.  Or would that be too
dangerous in that it is making too many assumptions?

I'm inclined to think that this is too dangerous on its own.  Perhaps
if an 'op' switch was added it might be okay.  The 'op' switch would
default to verify, so you would be required to use it when programming.

 avrdude -p m128 --operation w -U myfile.hex

--operation could be replaced with some single letter switch.  Adding
a new switch should prevent someone from unintentionally programming
a device.

At the same time, I would probably resurrect the -m and -f switches.
I think that putting several options all on -U isn't necessarily
the best approach.


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