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Re: [avrdude-dev] special handling of 0xff in flash memory

From: E. Weddington
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] special handling of 0xff in flash memory
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 06:57:30 -0600

Brian Dean wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just committed a change that affects the handling of flash
> memory.  Basically, any time a file on disk is read into memory, it's
> size is reported such that 0xff padded data is ignored.  This has the
> affect of causing avrdude to only write up to the last non 0xff data
> values into the flash, ignoring the rest.  This is valid because
> writing 0xff to flash is bascially a no-op anyway.
> Likewise, if you instruct avrdude to dump the contents of flash to a
> file, trailing 0xff data will not be written and the file size will be
> shortened as a result.

I haven't looked at the code yet, or tried it, but can you explain this a
little more?

What about the special case where you have bootloader code at a high
address as well as application code in the same file? You have a big block
of valid data at the beginning, followed by a lot of "blank" memory
(0xff), followed by valid data (bootloader code) at a high address,
followed again by some blank memory (after the bootloader code). Will it
handle this?


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