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Running the AVR-LibC test suite

From: Georg-Johann Lay
Subject: Running the AVR-LibC test suite
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:11:13 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Trying to run the AVR-LibC test suite, I came across some
problems and have some questions.

tests/simulate/runtest.sh sets libs as follows:

      libs="$AVRDIR/avr/lib/$multilibdir/libc.a    \
            $AVRDIR/avr/lib/$multilibdir/libm.a \
            $AVRDIR/avr/lib/$multilibdir/$2/lib$2.a -lgcc"

but then lib<mcu>.a is not found.  Changing it to

            $AVRDIR/avr/devices/$2/lib$2.a -lgcc"

fixes that problem, presumably some fallout from the
multilib changes in https://github.com/avrdudes/avr-libc/commit/f4ec4b741bc608f0afc471734afa097e905fed9b#diff-d1b54ff37e1aefa0d1f6b269aa0d859981cac6ce7cf3be4c88d00c770807599e

When I runhest.sh with that change, I am getting the output below.

~/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13 is an AVR-LibC build dir.

$ ./runtest.sh  -g avr-gcc-13 -a ~/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13 -s -v
+ CPPFLAGS=-Wundef -I.
+ CFLAGS=-gdwarf-4 -W -Wall -pipe -Os -Wno-array-bounds -Werror
Simulate: time/aux.c + echo -n atmega128 ...
atmega128 ... + Compile time/aux.c atmega128 aux.elf PR_STD
+ local crt=
+ local libs=
+ local flags=
+ [ -z /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13 ]
+ avr-gcc-13 -mmcu=atmega128 -print-multi-directory
+ local multilibdir=avr51
+ crt=crtatmega128.o
+ flags=-isystem /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/include -nostdlib
+ head -1
+ find /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/avr/lib -name crtatmega128.o -print
+ crt=
+ libs=/home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/avr/lib/avr51/libc.a /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/avr/lib/avr51/libm.a /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/avr/devices/atmega128/libatmega128.a -lgcc
+ basename time/aux.c
+ flags=-isystem /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/include -nostdlib -std=gnu99 + avr-gcc-13 -Wundef -I. -gdwarf-4 -W -Wall -pipe -Os -Wno-array-bounds -Werror -isystem /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/include -nostdlib -std=gnu99 -mmcu=atmega128 -o aux.elf time/aux.c /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/avr/lib/avr51/libc.a /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/avr/lib/avr51/libm.a /home/john/gnu/build/avr-libc-v13/avr/devices/atmega128/libatmega128.a -lgcc
+ [ -z ]
+ Simulate aux.elf atmega128
+ rm -f core_avr_dump.core
+ simulavr -d atmega128 -T+ grep ERROR:
 __stop_program -f aux.elf -C core_avr_dump.core -m 60000000000
+ [ -e core_avr_dump.core ]
+ echo Core dump is not created
Core dump is not created
+ [ -1 -eq 0 ]
+ Err_echo simulate failed: -1
+ echo *** simulate failed: -1
*** simulate failed: -1
+ [ 1 ]
+ Errx Stop
+ echo ./runtest.sh: Stop
./runtest.sh: Stop
+ exit 1

So this test is failing for some reason, which is

$ avr-objdump -d aux.elf | head

aux.elf:     file format elf32-avr

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <month_length>:
   0:   62 30           cpi     r22, 0x02       ; 2
   2:   21 f4           brne    .+8             ; 0xc <.L2>
   4:   0e 94 0d 00     call    0x1a    ; 0x1a <is_leap_year>

Any ideas?


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