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[avr-libc-dev] Adding array access to e.g. PINnCTRL

From: Erik Walthinsen
Subject: [avr-libc-dev] Adding array access to e.g. PINnCTRL
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:07:12 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

In an attempt to make my current project portable across multiple generations of the development PCB, I've moved all the hardware configuration into headers for each rev. This includes things like which port and pin controls a debug LED.

In order to control the LED sanely, I need to set the INVEN bit on each of them, since it's a common-anode LED. However, with the headers as currently designed, I can't do that because the PINnCTRL registers can't be accessed as an offset based on the _bp macros I have in my header.

I've tested and would like to propose adding the following structures where relevant to the ATxMega headers. Other places this might be useful are the TC.CCx regs (with the obvious caveat of A=0, B=1...), event control regs, etc. Basically anywhere there's a bit position or other number embedded in a sequence of registers.

/* I/O Ports */
typedef struct PORT_struct
    register8_t INTFLAGS;  /* Interrupt Flag Register */
    register8_t reserved_0x0D;
    register8_t reserved_0x0E;
    register8_t reserved_0x0F;
    union {
        struct {
            register8_t PIN0CTRL;  /* Pin 0 Control Register */
            register8_t PIN1CTRL;  /* Pin 1 Control Register */
            register8_t PIN2CTRL;  /* Pin 2 Control Register */
            register8_t PIN3CTRL;  /* Pin 3 Control Register */
            register8_t PIN4CTRL;  /* Pin 4 Control Register */
            register8_t PIN5CTRL;  /* Pin 5 Control Register */
            register8_t PIN6CTRL;  /* Pin 6 Control Register */
            register8_t PIN7CTRL;  /* Pin 7 Control Register */
        register8_t PINnCTRL[8];
} PORT_t;

It's used exactly as one might expect:


If there's interest in doing this, I can work up a patch for all of the xmega parts.

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