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[avr-libc-dev] avr-libc 1.4.5 released

From: Joerg Wunsch
Subject: [avr-libc-dev] avr-libc 1.4.5 released
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 23:17:38 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11

I just released avr-libc 1.4.5.

Since the upload server dropped connection while I've been uploading
all the documentation files, there's now a half-transferred PostScript
version of the docs in the queue that needs manual intervention by the
savannah folks before I can retransmit it.  Thus the PS docs are
currently unavailable.  Everything else is in place.

Source releases and documentation files can be found at:


Binary releases (OS-independant) can be found at:


The public documentation on the web site has been updated as well:


Finally, here's the NEWS entry for that release:

*** Changes in avr-libc-1.4.5:

* Bugs fixed:

  [no-id]  Make include/avr/sfr_defs.h -Wundef safe.
  [no-id]  Make include/avr/eeprom.h -Wundef safe.
  [no-id]  Fix the timing of the HD44780 driver in the stdiodemo.
  [#15512] Bootloader macros not interrupt safe.
  [#16125] HD44780 data bit assignment restrictive
  [#16434] EMPTY_INTERRUPT has no misspelled vector checking
  [#16411] Add 'used' and 'externally_visible' attributes to all ISR macros.
  [#16441] eeprom.h should use __asm__
  [#16868] depricated.h: outp() arguments order misprint
  [#17068] wdt.h file: __AVR_ATmeg324P__ spelling mistake
  [#17470] Add API for CLKPR register.
  [#17551] Update documentation to point to issues with gcc4.1
  [#17591] /avr-libc/libm/fplib/fp_split.S error return will fail for
           3-Byte PC devices
  [#17608] Add ISR_ALIAS() to avr/interrupt.h

* Other changes:

  - New Power Management API in <avr/power.h>. This provides C language
    macros to manipulate the Power Reduction Register(s) and the System Clock
    Prescaler register across multiple processors.

* New devices supported:

  + ATmega165P
  + ATmega169P
  + ATmega2560 [patch #4461]
  + ATmega2561 [patch #4461]

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL

http://www.sax.de/~joerg/                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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