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Re: [avr-libc-dev] Far addresses in flash

From: Jörgen Birkler
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] Far addresses in flash
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 09:35:42 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.4

Some comments,
shouldn't it be hl8? hh8 would be the most significant 8 bits?

I thought that the current implementations of avr-gcc and avr-bin-utils
have a built in 64K word limit? So if you manage t place a string above
128K it will actually go in the EEPROM area?

> Hello,
> This is a proposal to include a mechanism to access the true address of
> data in Flash ROM (23 bits for the AVR specification) from C code. The
> "address-of" operator '&' does not suffice with its 16 bit limited
> precision to 16 bit to read data beyond the low 64K of memory.
> There are, for instance, many users programming bootloaders for the
> ATmega128 asking for a way to cleanly access data in flash from C code
> without knowing absolute data addresses at compile time.
> The following macro is the proposed solution:
> #ifndef __STRINGIFY
> #define __STRINGIFY(str) #str
> #endif
> #define GET_FAR_ADDRESS(var)                                    \
> ({                                                              \
>      uint32_t tmp;                                               \
>                                                                  \
>      __asm__ __volatile__(                                       \
>              "ldi    %C0, hh8(" __STRINGIFY(var) ")"   "\n\t"    \
>              "clr    %D0"                              "\n\t"    \
>          :                                                       \
>              "=d" (tmp)                                          \
>          :                                                       \
>              "0" (&var)                                          \
>      );                                                          \
>      tmp;                                                        \
> })
> This is a simple example of use. To test the code with true FAR (>64K)
> addresses .text section must be moved to a higher place in memory in
> the linker command.
> #include <stdint.h>
> #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
> static uint8_t st[] PROGMEM = "This is a flash memory string";
> int main (void)
> {
>      uint32_t address;
>      uint8_t c;
>      address = GET_FAR_ADDRESS(st);
>      address += 4 * sizeof (uint8_t);
>      while ((c = pgm_read_byte_far(address++))) {
>          foo(c);
>      }
>      for(;;)
>          ;
>      return 0;
> }
> - The overhead is minimal and it's mainly due to the 32 bit size
> operation.
> - 24 bit sizes guarantees the code compatibility for use in future
> devices.
> - hh8() is an undocumented feature but seems to give the third
> significant byte of a 32 bit data and accepts symbols, complementing
> the functionality of hi8() and lo8().
> - __STRINGIFY(var) could be replaced by #var and the __STRINGIFY()
> macro removed, but the nested macro sequence allows the preprocessor to
> replace the identifier 'var' when itself is also a macro.
> - 'var' has to be resolved at linking time as an existing symbol, i.e,
> a simple type variable name (not a constant), an array name (not an
> indexed element of the array), a struct name (not a field of the
> struct), a function identifier, a linker defined identifier,...
> - The input and output operands in the asm instruction are different
> sizes and both share the same storage. Particularly the output operand
> 'tmp' is bigger than the input operand '&var'. I haven't extensively
> tested this.
> - The & operator passes part of the job to the compiler and is valid
> for every identifier, even for array and function identifiers.
> - The input operand informs the compiler that the data is in use, to
> avoid used static data removal. The stringifying conversion in the
> middle of the instruction doesn't notify of the use.
> - The natural place for this macro should be the header pgmspace.h and
> the name... pgm_get_far_address?
> Regards
> --
> Carlos Lamas
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Jörgen Birkler

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